INTERNATIONAL CYBER CUP WarCraft III / DotA AllStars / Custom Games & Stats

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  • 07 Aug 2023 @ 14:51 CET
  • 15 Jan 2016
#1 қосылды: 28 Jul 2023 @ 11:20 CET цитата келтіру
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The game ended. Two players (Maga_kitayec and B-e-r-r-y-) lagged. After 2 countdown timers ended I quit the game. Wanted to save it to watch the replay to veryfy if Maga_kitayec was using MH. But there was no option to save the replay.

Make the game wait longer before disconnecting at the end of it to allow players to save replays in case someone (intentionally to prevent from saving the replay) disconnects.

I think Maga_kitayec(Akasha) used MH. He went many times to kill low HP players farming. Placed sentry wards exactly on each of our wards.

The problem is at the end of the game he disconnected or something and after the game ended it was unable to save a replay.

In case other people report him in a simmilar way I think you should consider banning him even without a replay.


I can't report MH without a replay so I post it here. Move the topic to more suitable section of the forum if you know it.

Өңдеген Makossj (28 Jul 2023 @ 11:20 CET)
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#2 қосылды: 29 Jul 2023 @ 13:01 CET цитата келтіру
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If your problem persists, please write to technical support.

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