INTERNATIONAL CYBER CUP WarCraft III / DotA AllStars / Custom Games & Stats

User announce

+15 EU Хомяк? Миллиарды?

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EU Ladder & EU Tour FA
PLANET iCCup.Raksana [ EU Ladder & EU Tour FA ]
  • 26 Sep 2024 @ 14:12 CET
  • 20 Feb 2023
#1 қосылды: 31 May 2023 @ 23:39 CET цитата келтіру
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Hi guys! And here are the results of the

[QUIZ] Guess what profession

image USER234951384 45image

image 1677 20image

image MD.23 15 image

image MoHTeKpuCTo(c) 15 image

image Meery 5 image

With this result we will finish our 54th season. Thank you all for participating and all the best!

I hope everyone is happy with the result and all for now!!

Өңдеген iCCup.Raksana (01 Jun 2023 @ 01:16 CET)
Ескі түсініктеме
  • 12 May 2024 @ 18:54 CET
  • 01 May 2023
#2 қосылды: 01 Jun 2023 @ 02:17 CET цитата келтіру
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It's a pity that I didn't come earlier

but thanks for that too nsm48.png

Ескі түсініктеме
EU Ladder & EU Tour FA
PLANET iCCup.Raksana [ EU Ladder & EU Tour FA ]
  • 26 Sep 2024 @ 14:12 CET
  • 20 Feb 2023
#3 қосылды: 09 Jun 2023 @ 02:58 CET цитата келтіру
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Issued, close!

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