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#1 қосылды: 20 Apr 2023 @ 12:18 CET цитата келтіру
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May God Praise God, after eleven months of longing and longing, finally the Sultan of the months, the season of goodness and charity, the season of prayer, the season of generosity and blessing, the Blessed mohi Ramadan, the month of tarovehu Quran, visit the universe with his freshness, generosity and blessings, and stand as a shadow of mercy over our heads.

The faithful Muslims of our paradise are welcoming this month, the greatest and most virtuous of the months, with the joy and joy of a universe. Everyone is sweet from each other, a cherished dream from each other is in anticipation of hopes. While someone intends to complete the fasting of Ramadan this year and earn a lot of rewards by becoming a Quranic khatmi in tarovehs for thirty days, someone hopes to bring down the Qur'an by reading Karim in full during these numbered days. Someone, having reformed himself in every possible way during this priceless and inimitable season of toat, plotted to clear his heart from spiritual vices such as correction of his mistakes, envy, ginayu kudurat, khusumat and open a page of pure life for himself, while someone else is eager for the arrival of Ramadan in order to collect as much reserves as possible from noble deeds such as

Yes, Saints, Ramadan does not look like this, there is no equal in virtue blessed month. It is a season of goodness, a season of toat, a race of goodness. Our exalted ones were so vindictive to Ramadan that for months they would say, " O God, deliver us to Ramadan safely!"they invoked the creator. After Ramadan arrives and reserves his every moment for good deeds, for several more months he says, “O Allah, accept from us our deeds in Ramadan!"they would be in prayer without interruption.

Such was the attitude of our righteous predecessors to Ramadan. He looked at the whole year through Ramadan. Ramadan was considered the foundation of the year and mehwari. Therefore, if for half a year they asked the Lord to accept his prayers in Ramadan, they would spend the remaining months shouting “deliver to Ramadan!"did not fall out of the language of the supplication.

By his great Will and his infinite wisdom, God has created the creatures he has created to be different and disparate in grace and superiority. It has made some spaces more and more preferable than others, some times. He selected some among the months and days and set them as seasons of goodness, days of prayer, and times of qurbat formation. These are the thank you gifts given as a gift during the year. Whoever pays attention to them and enjoys their good deeds is the one who is truly happy.

It is narrated from Anas ibn Molik (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): the messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "for all your life you have been a suitor of good, and go to the breeze of mercy of Allah azza and Jalla. After all, there are shabadas from the mercy of God that give them what they want from their servants" (Tabarani, Bayhaqi, Ibn Abdul-Barr, Abu Nuaym, Ibn Asokir, etc.

One such mercy is the month of Ramadan. This moon is like the superiority of the bamisoli sun over other planets in virtue superiority over other moons. God made the month of Ramadan higher and mufazzal than all other months. He personified him with many great qualities and great privileges. In the hadith narrated from Imam Tabarani Ibn Abbas (roziyallohu anhumo), the Prophet (SallAllahu alayhi vasallam) said: "the most Afzal of the months is the month of Ramadan."

It is impossible to finish listing the qualities of the month of Ramadan. The main source of Islam, the Qur'an of mankind's program of life until the resurrection, karim was revealed this month. This month, a huge number of world-class events took place in the history of Islam, written in gilded letters. Therefore, Muslims all over the world turn this tabarruk month into a month of righteous deeds and prayers for the cause of God's approval.

Ramadan is the month of the Quran. The strong connection and connection between the Quran and the fasting month is felt by every Muslim person from the depths of his soul as soon as the first day of Ramadan enters. And with extreme love and interest, he sets out to read the Book of his Lord. He reflects on his verses, and takes a lesson from the verses and messages contained therein. Mosques will be filled with prayers and reciters of the Quran. In the mosques there are in the world, the Koran karim khatmi begins. And this state of affairs with its Lisa holi announces to the whole world that this month is the month of the Quran.

Allah said, " Ramadan is the month in which the Qur'an is revealed, consisting of guidance and guidance for the people, and the right way, as well as the determining documents” (Surah Baqara, verse 185).

The Tafsir books agree that on the night of Qadr of the month of karim Ramadan, Lawhi was brought down from Mahfouz to the sky of the world. Then, for twenty-three years, the event was held in accordance with the development of events-it was sent to the Prophet.

The messenger of Allah salallahu alayhi vasallam would have completely passed the Qur'an from the control of Gabriel this month. Together with this great Angel, They taught the Qur'an Karim. In the years of his death, the Qur'an was passed down twice by this great angel.

That is why Muslims have long been used to being more generous than every time Ramadan comes in. This is how statesmen pay their zakat in Ramadan. Every house enjoys the blessings of this month, so that joy and joy enter the hearts of believers, so that people, along with the special Ramadan-specific Khairu donations, also release their zakat in the same month.

This month is also the month of tunggi prayers and nafl prayers. "Prophet sollallohu alayhi vasallam Ramadan spent his nights with prayer. When the last ten days of the month came, they would wake up family members and a large and small one who had the strength to pray. (Imam Muslim narrative)

The tunggi prayers in the month of Ramadan are called “taroveh” in the Fiqh conquest. Reading this prayer is a circumcision for all Muslims. Muslims should not be unaware and skip this prayer. Because the great blessings given for the nafl prayers in Ramadan are not given in other months.

Ramadan is the month of mercy. In Ramadan, the mercy of Allah is great. The hadith narrated by Imam Muslim states:" when there is Ramadan, the doors of Mercy are opened". The previous ten days of Ramadan are not only the "days of mercy" of the month, but also of the year.

Ramadan is the month of forgiveness. Its ten days in the middle are considered not only the "forgiveness days" of the month, but also of the year. In the account of the virtue of Ramadan, Salman said, " it is the month before which is mercy, the middle is forgiveness, and the end is the opportunity to be free from hell."

The last night of Ramadan is the night of forgiveness. Abu Hurayra (rozialohu anhu) said, "The Messenger (Sallam) said,' on the last night of it (Ramadan)the sins of the monks will be forgiven.' They said, " O Messenger of Allah, will he be worthy?", they asked. The messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "No, but once the worker has done his job, he will be paid full of reward."

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  • yesterday @ 02:42 CET
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#2 қосылды: 20 Apr 2023 @ 13:13 CET цитата келтіру
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clean copy-paste or ChatGPT

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#3 қосылды: 21 Apr 2023 @ 00:13 CET цитата келтіру
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Link to the topic for work, Closed!

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