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EU Forum TSA & Tour SAA
PLANET iCCup.Moose [ EU Forum TSA & Tour SAA ]
  • today @ 21:56 CET
  • 01 Oct 2016
#1 қосылды: 06 Feb 2023 @ 18:56 CET цитата келтіру
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Hi guys) today I'll tell you about herring


image image image image image


image image image


image image image image image image


Herring is usually picked as a hardliner, initiator or roamer. As a carry, he is also strong, but when there are carries in the team that are stronger than you, it is better to go to the hard lane.

Beginning of the game:

We buy imageimageimage in order not to go back to the fountain or kuru to take away from the midlaner or carry for the sake of heals, it’s better to buy 8 tangusiks and 1 flask at once.

Next, we also stand, endure until level 6 and download the ult image it reduces the armor of enemies and makes them able to see them, even heroes with invisibility.

Then we try to gank and kill in order to buy faster image

Mid game:

By the middle of the game it will be ideal if we haveimage. In this case, we don’t stand afk, but run around the map as much as possible and gank with the team. Slardar should start the fight, fly in from the dagger, then stun image, then hang on the enemy ult and kill.

Next, we collect image

and under image you can go and kill Roshan. Under herring's ult, rosha will die quickly.

Late game:

In late we collect image and image to get stronger in HP and not be afraid of enemy skills. We are not shy about initiating fights, feel free to fly in if your team is standing behind you and ready to fight.

If heroes with invisibility are against you, then first of all hang an ult on him. If there is an opportunity to collect more artifacts, then we need image or image one gives attack speed, increases your defense and reduces enemies, and the other artifact, with each hit on an opponent, reduces his armor. With our ultimate, these items are perfectly combined, and the enemies are sent to the tavern in 2-3 hits.

Also, our ult is used on the enemy with BKB, don't forget about it.

Thank you for your attention, have a nice weekend everyone.

Өңдеген iCCup.Moose (06 Feb 2023 @ 19:16 CET)
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