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#1 қосылды: 19 Nov 2022 @ 05:24 CET цитата келтіру
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nsm29.png “Painting is just another way of keeping a diary”nsm29.png

These are the words from famous artist Pablo Picasso and these words really motivate me to draw everyday.

From this you might have already guessed what my job is. To be honest, i can acknowledge this to be my main personal profession, but since im still a college student, this is my source of income haha :)

Yes, I am an artist and i draw for other people. People come to me and ask me what art they desire and i put their thoughts on paper and give it to them. That was a brief Introduction, now lets dig deeper into my job.

Who am I: Im Dynamik_San as you all know and im a college student. In the middle of studies, comes a lot of other expenses and its difficult to cope up considering that i dont come from a wealthy family, so i think of making small art commissions to make people happy and get a few extra bucks too :D Im from India and here, art is very underrated. People dont draw a lot so i feel proud to be one of the few people who live around and make art.


Why Drawing? You might ask me why I choose drawing for my job. Well the reason goes back to the day when I was a small boy. I used to be alone at home for the whole morning and afternoon premises, since both my parents are working. I would feel very sad and lonely, so I would try to express my thoughts on paper. Slowly, that expression became funny cartoon drawings, and then eventually I started drawing seriously and now, my art is worth being sold for. My journey was very enthralling and i personally enjoy every moment i devote to making art.


Future Job Enhancements: As of now, my art business is very miniscule. But in the future, or perhaps once i finish my college education, i will set up a shop where i will start making gift cards, portraits and digital art using photoshop. I would also love to get in contact with some popular art communities and share my work with them, as it might open new horizons for me to excel in my job. I will forever and ever, love art and will always have it included, even if i get a professional job to work into, this WILL be my passive source of income and joy!


i would like to end this essay with another quote, if i may. Edward Hopper once said:

nsm41.png “If I could say it in words there would be no reason to paint.” nsm41.png

This alone talks about the power of art. We can convey our expressions to people which words alone could never! Art is a beautiful thing, and I encourage everyone to try it out once. Thank you all ! mail.gif

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#2 қосылды: 20 Nov 2022 @ 18:34 CET цитата келтіру
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