WarCraft III and DotA - timeless classic and lots of fun

iCCup Players online:
Season 59
07.06.2024 - 07.09.2024
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ICCup Dota XLTB: day best streaker wins

Kaggetsu 6-0
Kasym 6-0
Old-_-Creep 6-0
bubi_ 6-0
dooobro 6-0
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ICCup Dota XLTB: best streaker wins

biwkekski) 21-0
LegioNFly 15-0
RankleTV 11-0
CuJIa.) 11-0
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132 - 82
87 - 57
94 - 66
60 - 36
97 - 64
110 - 78
114 - 75
82 - 62
81 - 51
119 - 117

Team rankings

428 - 242
267 - 211
338 - 248
158 - 82
174 - 52
743 - 444
384 - 210
504 - 282
316 - 158
325 - 175