WarCraft III and DotA - timeless classic and lots of fun

iCCup Players online:
Season 59
07.06.2024 - 07.09.2024
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ICCup Dota XLTB: day best streaker wins

ChinayExp 6-0
asdf.tomsk 6-0
PlayToWins 6-0
SeeuAgaiN_Man 6-0
DonSan4ezzz 6-0
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ICCup Dota XLTB: best streaker wins

biwkekski) 21-0
PrinceBLD- 20-0
Connelly 13-0
Ropz) 12-0
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73 - 40
164 - 117
250 - 197
110 - 75
137 - 72
159 - 114
115 - 80
121 - 74
135 - 85
222 - 165

Team rankings

868 - 607
484 - 343
626 - 364
1010 - 564
356 - 152
599 - 443
989 - 723
660 - 551
867 - 609