INTERNATIONAL CYBER CUP WarCraft III / DotA AllStars / Custom Games & Stats
K/D/A : 152 / 275 / 617
K 1.7
KDA - parameter that defines your skill
Location #1669
5782 Match List
Win/Lose/Leave 19 / 13 / 0
Couriers killed 0
Neutrals killed 324
Hours in game 23
Win Ratio 59%
Leave 0
Best stats: Skeleton King 12 - 3 - 12
Max win streak 5
Current streak -1
Team UA Electrical Storm
Рейтинг команды -
Leader UA_BronzeBeard_
Registered 18 Jan 2013 @ 12:23 CET
Players 28
Heroes statistics
Last games
hero mode Duration K / D / A Changes
Venomancer Venomancer xl, TB 56:38 4 / 15 / 18 -137
Venomancer Venomancer xl, TB 59:10 7 / 12 / 40 +120
Venomancer Venomancer xl, TB 27:31 0 / 6 / 3 -102
Ogre Magi Ogre Magi xl, TB 49:13 0 / 9 / 12 -61
Venomancer Venomancer xl, TB 52:02 3 / 11 / 15 -82
Top heroes

Top hero

Keeper of the Light Keeper of the Light

coolness factor: 18

Top killer

Skeleton King Skeleton King

average kills value: 7.5

Top assister

Keeper of the Light Keeper of the Light

average assists value: 24

Longest game

Venomancer Venomancer

game length: 73:10

top farmer

Venomancer Venomancer

creeps: 2409

Top pusher

Venomancer Venomancer

towers denied: 27

game modes
Previous Seasons
Season #11
1 - 2
Season #12
144 - 138
Season #13
171 - 192
Season #14
140 - 131
Season #15
230 - 220
Season #16
22 - 24
Season #17
175 - 158
Season #18
121 - 121
Season #19
70 - 84
Season #20
22 - 18
Season #21
139 - 138
Season #22
158 - 155
Season #23
87 - 91
Season #24
153 - 145
Season #25
119 - 104
Season #36
4 - 2
Season #37
3 - 1
Season #38
2 - 1
Season #41
3 - 1
Season #51
14 - 14
Season #52
257 - 263
Season #53
181 - 189
Season #54
186 - 194
Season #55
169 - 165
Season #56
173 - 197
Season #57
68 - 61
Season #58
177 - 165
Season #59
130 - 126