The Season is ending. Achieve your top rank with a Ladder bonus

Time remaining - 05:05:18:07 451087
K/D/A : 0 / 0 / 0
K 0
KDA - parameter that defines your skill
Location #-1
1000 Match List
Win/Lose/Leave 0 / 0 / 0
Couriers killed 0
Neutrals killed 0
Hours in game < 1
Win Ratio 0%
Leave 0
Best stats: 0
Max win streak 0
Current streak 0
Heroes statistics
Last games
hero mode Duration K / D / A Changes
Top heroes

Top hero

default image0

coolness factor: 0

Top killer

default image0

average kills value:

Top assister

default image0

average assists value: 0

Longest game

default image0

game length: 0:00

top farmer

default image0

creeps: 0

Top pusher

default image0

towers denied: 0

Tournament Forum
Tournament Title Date Place
 iCCup Shadow Fiend 1x1 Tour 11.03.24 33-64 brackets
 iCCup Shadow Fiend 1х1 Tour 09.01.24 17-32 brackets
game modes
Previous Seasons
Season #54
59 - 14
Season #55
41 - 10
Season #56
5 - 2
Season #57
4 - 0
Season #58
0 - 0