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EU Forum & EU Events SAA
AR iCCup.xanaxy [ EU Forum & EU Events SAA ]
  • today @ 17:02 CET
  • 28 Dec 2023
#1 Posted: 18 Jun 2024 @ 01:35 CET quote
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The Coopers Hill Cheese Rolling


Every year, on the steep hill of Cooper's Hill in Gloucestershire, England, one of the most unique and exciting events in the world takes place: Cheese Rolling. This event, always held on the last Monday in May, brings together competitors from all over the world who head downhill in search of a last of cheese.



The race begins when the “Cheese Master” throws a wheel of Double Gloucester cheese weighing about 10 pounds down Cooper’s Hill. Participants run, slide and fall, for about 180 meters. All this to chase the cheese. The first to reach the end of the hill wins the prize: the cheese itself. Whoever grabs it or whoever is closest wins, once the goal is reached.



The cheese rolling race is a tradition that has endured through the centuries in Gloucestershire. Although it is not known exactly when this peculiar competition began, the first written reference dates back to 1826. There are theories that suggest that the race could have begun as a way to claim grazing rights in the area, while others believe that it may have been a fertility ritual.


This event attracts international competitors and spectators, and has gained such popularity that it is even broadcast live on television. The adrenaline of rolling down the hill and the danger it entails, all for a banal prize like cheese, attracts the attention of different audiences.

The race is notoriously dangerous. Bumps and broken bones are common, as well as some cuts. This year's edition was no exception, with numerous competitors visiting the medical station after their fall-filled descents. It is estimated that cheese can reach about 110 km/h and people up to about 50 km/h.



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