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  • 23 Sep 2024 @ 01:38 CET
  • 09 Sep 2018
#1 Posted: 20 Sep 2023 @ 11:21 CET quote
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There are many different animals in the world. Some of them have long been domesticated and live close to humans. Others remain wild. Different animals live on all continents of the planet. I want to tell you about my favorite - the tiger.


Tigers mostly live on the continent of Africa, but there are also in other parts of the Earth - for example, in Russia, on the Amur River. Tigers are orange in color with black stripes. It is a very strong and dangerous animal. Tigers feed on other animals that are hunted. The tiger belongs to the cat family, it has soft paws that help it climb trees and silently sneak up on its prey. This graceful animal climbs trees easily, runs very fast and can jump high.



In addition, tigers are very good swimmers, they are hardy and if hunted, they can cover long distances on land or water. Lurking in an ambush, tigers can spend hours waiting for their future prey.

I like the tiger for its strength and danger. And, of course, the way it looks. It looks like a cute big cat, but it is actually a dangerous predator that is better not to meet in the wild. A man against a tiger has no power, and in this fight will definitely not survive.



In our country hunting of tigers is prohibited because of their small numbers. On the Amur River and in Ussuriysk tigers are listed in the Red Book. There they have a coloration different from their African brothers, they are white with black stripes.

This helps them hide very well against the snow and become even more invisible.


I have not seen tigers in the wild, but I have watched them in the zoo. Even approaching a cage with this powerful animal is scary. Living in captivity makes the tiger relaxed and not as aggressive, but it still continues to eat raw meat and sometimes gets very angry.


Watching these animals locked in cages is very sad, because they need space to run and hunt. And they are forced to sit in small spaces throughout their lives.

Someday, I dream of going to an African country and going on a real safari - a tour of the savannah, when tourists can observe wild animals in their natural habitat. Then I would definitely be able to see my favorite animal in person. To observe with my own eyes how tigers behave in the wild not limited by cages and human interference in their lives.

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  • 20 Feb 2023
#2 Posted: 23 Sep 2023 @ 19:56 CET quote
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