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+12 EU Хомяк? Миллиарды?

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  • 19 Jul 2024 @ 19:02 CET
  • 25 Feb 2023
#1 Posted: 16 May 2023 @ 13:27 CET quote
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Good day to all contestants

Hello to all my friends

I cannot say that I have saved anyone or saved any animal from any harm

But I have 2 memorable events that I would like to share with you now

I have very few friends, those are the friends who abandoned me during my bad days

At least he is one of my friends who spent a good day with me I want to tell you what happened

My friend is married and has a family with children, but I don't know why

Maybe he got into her phone by mistake or someone with a deliberate intention made the call and insulted her

I had a car and it was late. He called me when I was returning home after finishing work

And he told me what happened and said that they agreed to meet him and talk to him privately

OK, we went to the address we were told, we waited for a while, the guy was supposed to come too

But without following the agreement, they agreed as 5 people

I went with my friend, so that they could talk, I explained that they should agree not to interfere with their friends who came with them.

I stood in front of my car just in case, because I always protect myself in my car

There was a board made of solid wood that looked like a baseball bat

While they were talking, my friend hit him, and his friends who were standing a little further came running

They threw themselves at my friend, I took my stick and ran towards them and started hitting the guy I came across

They lost their composure for a while due to the blow of the stick. At that time, I took my friend and left there in my car.

Maybe if I didn't go with him then, my friend wouldn't be alive now, his family and children might be left without a father.

But everything ended well, now my friend is alive and living happily with his family

and my second story is about a kitten

That day it was raining and there was a strong wind. I was coming home from work in front of the house at the beginning of my neighborhood.

A small cat was shivering and eating in the rain. I felt sorry for him and brought him home.

I washed it, fed it, and it lived with me for 3 years. It is a very beautiful and intelligent cat

I have said everything I want to tell you

Don't be afraid to do good to someone or don't expect it to be returned because the reward for good is always good, if it is not returned in this world, it will definitely return in the next world.

I wish you all good health and happiness. Stay safe until we see each other

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  • 26 Sep 2024 @ 14:12 CET
  • 20 Feb 2023
#2 Posted: 18 May 2023 @ 17:32 CET quote
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