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#1 Posted: 29 Apr 2023 @ 08:26 CET quote
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What kind of miracles of my imagination did not visit my head, especially when I was still a child, when the line between I want and I can was almost transparent and thin, all I needed was just an action, some kind of impulse or motivation. Of course, many of my fantasies and fleeting dreams collapsed on the harsh rocks of reality, but my dreaminess always prevailed over reason. I will share one of these impossible dreams in today's essay. It all started when I was 6 years old, after school on my return home, I ran to watch cartoons, they were shown at a strictly defined time, one of these cartoons was the adventures of spider-man, I was so inspired by his abilities and the background of his becoming a hero that I wanted him to run and jump on the roofs of houses and release a web out of hand, I hasten to immediately note that, unlike my dreamy friends like me, I did not look for spiders in order for him to bite me (fortunately, my mother, who works as a doctor, quickly knocked this idea out of my head) instead, I signed up for athletics, yes it was difficult, but my dream, the desire for it served me as a kind of as an incentive, I trained and after a little success abandoned this idea, since I did not jump over the distance, as well as run and jump, but the dream of becoming a hero still lived in me, then I saw cartoons about Batman and the movie Brother, from the first I realized that it is not necessary to have superpowers and that any ordinary person, with the proper desire, can well become a hero, and from the second film I borrowed the idea of weapons, or rather the implementation of all Batman gadgets, I felt like I had a second wind, I wrote down all my successes in my diary and all the experiments, I returned to training and began to attend drawing is good, we had something like a circle nearby where young amateurs were trained to assemble robots, draftsmen and designers. At that moment, I was seriously set up for superhero activity, it gave me pleasure that no one but me knew about the true motives of my hobbies, my parents were happy that I was doing sports (running, long jumping, swimming) and attending courses for young designers.


Another reason to become a hero was connected with romance, as it usually happens, a hero in the likeness of spider-man saves the one he likes and she doesn't even suspect that her hero is an ordinary nerd who has been in love with her for years, every time falling asleep with these thoughts I woke up with the realization that I need to do another one step towards your dream. I was helped to assemble a device that would release a strong rope to a great height, but at the same time compact enough, then I made smoke bombs, and I ordered a telescopic baton for the money I had accumulated from school lunches, now it was up to a small matter to come up with a design for a costume, despite respect for Batman, his cloak infuriated me because it seemed to me not practical, in the end I asked my mother to buy something like leggings from wrestlers (later I found out that this is called a rashguard for jitters). Here comes the time of the first night outing, in order not to sleep all night on the advice of friends, I drank an energy drink, it's still rubbish, since it was inconvenient to ask for money for a mask to hide my face, I bought a medical one at the pharmacy, told my parents that I would be staying with a friend overnight, since he invited me to visit, it was very calm at home but not in my heart, I was nervous and twitchy all day and now I'm leaving my droush's house and throwing it through empty streets with a backpack at the ready, sitting on the bench, I see two boys running up to some girl to take away her money and the phone, one had already managed to grab her hands while the second was rummaging through her package, thinking that my hour had come, I felt fear, I realized that all this was real and that the damage would also be real, but my determination took the top, I launched a noisy checker, one ran away, and the second that was bolder, having recovered a little, began to come at me, I did not understand where I found a stone and threw it at his head, he bent over and began to scream in pain, the girl grabbed my hand and we ran to the entrance, the realization that I had hurt a person is off the scale adrenaline and I wanted to pull out everything that I ate that day calmed down a little, the girl said thank you, after these words I hurried home to my parents to forget everything that happened, the strap on the mask broke and lit up my face, I don't remember how she looked like my only the desire was to leave as soon as possible, not remembering how I ran home and tried to open the door, I quickly ran to my room and fell asleep.


That night made it clear to me that heroism is not for me and that it is not easy to hurt even those who deserve it, and punishments and consequences for actions are sometimes very cruel. The next day at school, as usual, I was sitting by the window when suddenly the one I love from the first grade came up to me and spoke herself, she said thank you in the same voice that she had yesterday and brought my bag with gadgets and ropes. Summing up, I want to say that sometimes our dreams come true, but a little not the way we want it, I do not in any way demotivate people to follow their dreams, but I warn you to be careful when choosing them, as for me, even though I gave up the dream of becoming a hero and helping people at night, I was able to fulfill the second point, namely, to achieve your love, now we have 5 years of family life and 10 years of happy relationships behind our backs. Dream friends, but dream carefully because all our desires tend to come true.


Edited by KitUbiyca (29 Apr 2023 @ 08:27 CET)
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