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  • 28 May 2024 @ 17:14 CET
  • 03 Nov 2019
#1 Posted: 25 Apr 2023 @ 11:06 CET quote
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As I sit here reminiscing about my childhood dreams, I am transported back to a time when the world was filled with endless possibilities and anything seemed achievable. My childhood dream was a beautiful and creative one, something that filled me with joy and wonder every time I thought about it.


From a young age, I was always fascinated by the world of art and design. I loved to create, whether it was drawing, painting, or crafting. As I grew older, my passion for art only intensified, and I began to dream of one day becoming a professional artist and sharing my creations with the world.


It wasn't an easy path to achieve my dream, but I was determined to make it happen. I spent countless hours practicing and honing my craft, experimenting with different mediums and techniques until I found my own unique style. I studied the works of other artists, attending art shows and galleries to gain inspiration and learn from the masters.


I also knew that to achieve my dream, I needed to have a solid foundation in the basics of art and design. I took every opportunity to learn, from taking art classes at school to attending summer art camps. I read books on color theory, composition, and perspective, and practiced these concepts in my own work.


As I got older, I began to think about how I could turn my passion for art into a career. I researched different career paths and found that many artists worked as freelancers or started their own businesses. I knew that this was the path I wanted to take, and I began to prepare myself for the challenges of entrepreneurship.


I created a portfolio of my best work, showcasing my range and versatility as an artist. I also began to network with other artists and professionals in the industry, attending conferences and events to meet new people and gain exposure.


It wasn't easy starting out, but I was determined to make my dream a reality. I began taking on small projects and commissions, building my reputation as a reliable and talented artist. As my portfolio grew, so did my client base, and soon I found myself working on larger and more high-profile projects.


I continued to push myself to improve, always seeking out new challenges and opportunities to learn and grow. I expanded my skill set to include digital art and animation, and began to explore new mediums like sculpture and installation art.


Looking back on my journey to achieve my childhood dream, I am proud of all that I have accomplished. It wasn't always easy, but my passion for art and my determination to succeed kept me going through the tough times. Today, I am a successful artist and entrepreneur, with a thriving business and a body of work that I am proud to call my own. I feel grateful every day to be living my dream, and I know that there is nothing that I cannot achieve if I set my mind to it.

Edited by Roully (25 Apr 2023 @ 11:07 CET)
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#2 Posted: 25 Apr 2023 @ 13:43 CET quote
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Perfect chuck.png

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#3 Posted: 30 Apr 2023 @ 13:52 CET quote
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Link to the topic for work, Closed!

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