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Events Full Admin
TJ iCCup.Hades [ Events Full Admin ]
  • 23 Sep 2024 @ 06:21 CET
  • 06 Aug 2022
#1 Posted: 22 Apr 2023 @ 20:27 CET quote
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This topic exists for the contest: A chidhood dream

Flood / Off-top will be removed for the first time if you relapse, you will get banned for 3 days.

We wish you all good luck!

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  • 28 May 2024 @ 17:14 CET
  • 03 Nov 2019
#2 Posted: 25 Apr 2023 @ 11:09 CET quote
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Actively supports iCCup

Upper Moon Four
REBELLION Hantengu [ Upper Moon Four ]
  • 19 Sep 2024 @ 17:44 CET
  • 09 Nov 2022
#3 Posted: 26 Apr 2023 @ 07:54 CET quote
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Hello to all forum members!

As a child, I always dreamed of becoming a doctor-surgeon. I was fascinated by the idea of being able to help people and make them feel better. Even in kindergarten, I would always volunteer to play the role of the doctor in our pretend games. It was so much fun!My love for medicine only grew stronger as I got older. My mother noticed how interested I was and bought me toys that were related to being a doctor. She got me a toy stethoscope, a doctor's suitcase with a carrying handle, doctor glasses, a jar filled with "pills", a badge with my name on it, and even a toy syringe! I loved playing with them and pretending to be a doctor.I remember when my grandfather got sick, I would go with my mother to the hospital to visit him. I would watch the doctors and nurses in their white coats and felt a sense of admiration and respect for them. I wanted to be just like them when I grew up.As I entered school, I continued to excel in my studies, especially in science and biology. I read books about the human body and watched videos about different medical procedures. I was determined to learn as much as I could about medicine so that one day I could become a doctor-surgeon.I remember my teacher asking me what I wanted to be when I grew up, and I proudly answered, "A doctor-surgeon!" She smiled and told me that it was a wonderful dream to have and encouraged me to work hard and make it a reality.As I got older, my dream never faded. I knew that becoming a doctor-surgeon would take a lot of hard work and dedication, but I was willing to do whatever it takes to achieve my goal. I studied hard and got good grades, and I even volunteered at a local hospital to gain experience and learn more about the medical field.Now that I am older, I still have the same dream of becoming a doctor-surgeon. I know that it will take many years of education and training, but I am ready for the challenge. I want to be able to help people who are sick or injured and make a difference in their lives.My childhood dream of becoming a doctor-surgeon has never wavered. It all started with my love for playing doctor as a child, and it has now become my ultimate goal in life. I will continue to work hard and pursue my dream, and one day, I hope to make a difference in the world of medicine.

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  • 27 Aug 2024 @ 21:11 CET
  • 25 Nov 2022
#4 Posted: 28 Apr 2023 @ 05:31 CET quote
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Actively supports iCCup

  • 24 Sep 2024 @ 16:53 CET
  • 16 Feb 2023
#5 Posted: 28 Apr 2023 @ 09:25 CET quote
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My Work by CLAY popcorm.gif

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  • today @ 01:18 CET
  • today @ 01:18 CET
# Posted: today @ 01:18 CET quote
  • 09 Sep 2024 @ 18:07 CET
  • 24 Dec 2022
#6 Posted: 28 Apr 2023 @ 16:54 CET quote
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  • 06 Jun 2023 @ 23:08 CET
  • 02 Dec 2022
#7 Posted: 28 Apr 2023 @ 22:15 CET quote
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  • 25 Sep 2024 @ 22:28 CET
  • 02 Sep 2022
#8 Posted: 29 Apr 2023 @ 08:27 CET quote
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