INTERNATIONAL CYBER CUP WarCraft III / DotA AllStars / Custom Games & Stats

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EU Ladder & EU CAT FA
PLANET iCCup.Raksana [ EU Ladder & EU CAT FA ]
  • 19 Sep 2024 @ 14:20 CET
  • 20 Feb 2023
#1 Posted: 18 Apr 2023 @ 21:07 CET quote
  • 0


Hi guys! And here are the results of the quiz:

[Quiz] - Guess Cooldown Times in Dota:

image _MoHTe_KpuCTo_ 35image

image CLay 30image

image NlKE 25image

image Yorqinoy 5image

image solo_game-_- 5 image

Thank you all for participating, you are the best.

We will hold another quiz soon, participate!

Edited by iCCup.Raksana (19 Apr 2023 @ 19:20 CET)
Old comment
  • yesterday @ 15:48 CET
  • 16 Feb 2023
#2 Posted: 19 Apr 2023 @ 17:52 CET quote
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Задрот RATD
USSR nlke [ Задрот RATD ]
  • 15 Sep 2024 @ 20:14 CET
  • 25 Dec 2022
#3 Posted: 20 Apr 2023 @ 22:53 CET quote
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Do I have 6 correct answers?

Old comment
EU Ladder & EU CAT FA
PLANET iCCup.Raksana [ EU Ladder & EU CAT FA ]
  • 19 Sep 2024 @ 14:20 CET
  • 20 Feb 2023
#4 Posted: 21 Apr 2023 @ 15:21 CET quote
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nlke ][b:
Do I have 6 correct answers?[/b]

The answers have been checked and the results have been released. All the best!

Old comment
Задрот RATD
USSR nlke [ Задрот RATD ]
  • 15 Sep 2024 @ 20:14 CET
  • 25 Dec 2022
#5 Posted: 21 Apr 2023 @ 19:51 CET quote
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nsm5.png nsm5.png

Old comment
  • today @ 09:10 CET
  • today @ 09:10 CET
# Posted: today @ 09:10 CET quote
EU Ladder & EU CAT FA
PLANET iCCup.Raksana [ EU Ladder & EU CAT FA ]
  • 19 Sep 2024 @ 14:20 CET
  • 20 Feb 2023
#6 Posted: 22 Apr 2023 @ 15:42 CET quote
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Issued, close!

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