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Мрачный Царь
DEVIL Aid [ Мрачный Царь ]
  • 20 Sep 2024 @ 03:56 CET
  • 05 Jun 2022
#1 Posted: 04 Feb 2023 @ 06:57 CET quote
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Hello! Now I will tell you my story.


I got my first computer for my birthday in 2006. It was a computer with a clock speed of 1.4 GHz Intel Pentium 3 and 128 MB of RAM, an LG 566LM LCD monitor.(15 inches) It originally h ad a 40GB hard drive and was running Windows XP, although it has since been upgraded. Back in 2006, I thought it was the best computer in the world.

Then I came home from school, friends came to me for my birthday, and my parents gave me a computer - it was such a surprise that I was very happy.

I wasn't allowed to turn on the computer right away because all my friends were here. They would all like to see what kind of car it is, and one of them would break it. I really enjoyed this birthday, it was one of the best I had.


When everyone was gone, I turned on the computer to try it out. Windows XP, the most popular operating system at that time, was installed. I could maximize and minimize windows. I quickly figured out how to change the desktop wallpaper. The very first music I heard on the computer was vanilla ICE ICE BABY, played through an ancient winamp.

I started buying game discs and installing them on my computer, they cost 10 rubles and they could still be exchanged back, probably I played almost all the games. The most favorite and popular games for me were CS 1.6, FIFA, GTA, NFS underground.

After school, almost every day we played with classmates in computer clubs in CS 1.6, then DOTA ALL STARS came out, which my friend dragged me into, and for many years I have been playing it)

A few months later , I was connected to the Internet . I didn't realize it at the time, but having a computer is basically useless if you don't have internet access.


After a few months, my computer started to blunt. Every time I opened the internet browser, it would freeze.(due to viruses) I didn't use antivirus at that time because I didn't know about it.

Less than two years after that, my computer had even more problems. I installed Antivirus software on my computer, and somehow my Internet connection was disconnected. He asked for some kind of password, or there was some kind of mistake.I didn't know how to fix the problem then, so I had to live without internet access until we had money for a new computer.

A few months after I bought the laptop, one of the people who posted a video on YouTube about how to fix various computer problems that can cause a blue screen of death. One of the tricks he mentioned is a way to disable all third-party startup apps. I tried this trick on my computer and it worked.

I still have this computer . It can be used as a server for some of my movies and TV shows, with only 1GB of RAM after an upgrade and an outdated processor, I don't think it can be easily used as someone's main computer. However, when I want to watch movies without being tied to an external hard drive, an old computer is a great machine to accomplish its purpose.


I'm not exactly sure about the make or exact specifications since it was dropped a few years ago and at that time I wouldn't have known what was meant.I don't remember what the computer was like without pumping, but it was powerful at that time.



Production technology: 0.13 microns

Clock Frequency: 1.4 GHz (Gigahertz)

64 bit, and 1 core

GeForce 3 graphics card these video adapters had a 256-bit core — one of the most productive cores of that time. The DDR memory capacity was 128 MB with a frequency of 230 MHz and a 128-bit bus. The adapter had 4 pixel pipelines

The motherboard:Gigabyte vt600 512

CD-ROM drive

And here is the same 15" LG LCD monitor (1024x768) 75Hz


In 2006, there were very few computers, and then the monitors were square, large, uncomfortable, and if they had bought me one, I probably would have thrown it away, thanks to my parents for buying me an LCD monitor, which cost 15 thousand rubles at that time and practically no one had such a thing)


Respect to those who are with us!!!

Edited by iCCup.cassel (04 Feb 2023 @ 10:24 CET)
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EU iCCup.mystick [ EU Tech SA & EU Tour TSA ]
  • 20 Sep 2024 @ 23:08 CET
  • 04 Oct 2017
#2 Posted: 04 Feb 2023 @ 11:38 CET quote
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Link to the topic for work, Closed!

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