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+11 EU Хомяк? Миллиарды?

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  • 23 Sep 2024 @ 20:48 CET
  • 14 Apr 2022
#1 Posted: 29 Jan 2023 @ 22:41 CET quote
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Hello dear users of this platform.

And so my first computer. I am now 27 years old, and the first computer was presented to me at the age of 16, but we will return to this later. In my youth, namely in my school years, the guys and I went to computer clubs after school and played for 30-40 minutes, not every day.


I, like all other children, madly wanted to have my own personal computer at home. One day my father came up to me and asked me what do you want for your birthday? I answered without hesitation that I wanted a computer, to which my father replied that if you finish the school year without triples, that I will buy you a good computer for your birthday. I was very happy, I studied well, before that there were no triples, but the motivation was crazy. I finished the school year on one five. On my birthday, as soon as I returned home after a walk, I saw a new computer at home, my eyes just sparkled with happiness, indescribable emotions. But he said to himself that it would do me good.


I started playing games less, progressing and learning more. After a couple of weeks, I set myself the goal that when I finish school, I will go to a good university and pay for my own contract. My first computer not only made me happy, but also opened a way for me to the future. Sometimes we remember this day with our father with a wonderful mood. Currently, I bought myself a computer, I bought a laptop with good hardware for my younger brother.

Unfortunately, I don’t have a photo of my first computer, but this photo is a direct copy of my first computer.


Thanks for such a great contest. Good luck to all

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EU Tech SA & EU Tour TSA
EU iCCup.mystick [ EU Tech SA & EU Tour TSA ]
#2 Posted: 02 Feb 2023 @ 18:58 CET quote
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Link to the topic for work, Closed!

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