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  • 12 Jun 2024 @ 09:15 CET
  • 01 Dec 2022
#1 Posted: 08 Jan 2023 @ 18:45 CET quote
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my musinka author: Java45_ 16 years old.

Not so long ago, I got my favorite most intimate pet cat Musya. She came to my house quite purposefully, this cat was brought home by our beloved mother, because mother had an abandoned cat at work that sheltered near the mother’s work building and so she got pregnant and she had several beautiful kittens and now all the rest were taken by other members of the team Mom’s work and now there was one kitty left that looked very pitiful, and so my mother decided to take her to our house because she didn’t want to leave her alone at work because the mother of the kitten was also taken by one of the staff of her mother’s work and also mother took another kitten too a cat, but then we gave it to our friend who also really wanted a kitten, and now I have one cat left at home, I named her Musya. The first days of our acquaintance with this beautiful cat were tense, as she was very afraid of a new place of residence and did not understand where she was, as she lived in a completely different place for her. But after just two weeks, she began to show interest in the environment of our house and she really liked being with us. The first time she entered the house, she became very interested in what was happening around, her interest was very attracted to sitting on the windowsill, which I personally made for her so that she, sitting on the windowsill, looked at the sparrows flying past. And one day, out of surprise, she fell off this window and was a little crippled, I, as a responsible good friend for this cat of ours, have a wonderful place for her, which she enjoys for her activity.

My cat Musya looks very interesting.


she turned out to be very hyper active, so I sometimes bring her to my grandmother at the dacha so that she can feel her habitat and swim away a little into nature.

I often get sick, my head hurts, I feel sick, I feel very weak, and then a friendly cat, Musya, comes to my aid. When talking with her, I feel better and I calm down. I love her very much and I won’t give her to anyone in the whole wide world! After all, she is my first and foremost my friend.

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  • 04 Oct 2017
#2 Posted: 11 Jan 2023 @ 07:55 CET quote
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