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  • 21 Jul 2022 @ 18:24 CET
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#1 Posted: 03 Jul 2022 @ 18:16 CET quote
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Hello everyone and today I will tell you my story madgamer.gif

Hello everyone and today I will tell you my story.

In general, how did I start dota?) when I was young, there were computer clubs and all the young people there played cs 1.6.

and I didn't know why so many brothers were so nervous because of Dota

Then I realized that Dota is an emotion)

And I saw my peer (i.e. classmate D) trying to play Dota

Those were the 32nd or 33rd seasons.and I was also doing something (but I didn't understand) when I entered the place called Oneness. I used to play with my friend so that he wouldn't be upset. Because he paid for the computer club

I learned how to beat creeps with the help of heroes in a section called Luchnik (although I don't understand what's going on).and then I practiced these things for 1 month.

at the computer club the wifi stopped working and I saw people playing Imba card and I joined.then I realized that it is more interesting than other cards and is a great option for beginners.I saw everyone in the club playing Nevermore, Bara slark or miner and I started to get interested without understanding what was going on.My friend stopped coming to clubs) and I quickly went to clubs when I got money.my goal was to learn it as soon as possible while it was not there.vladimir is added as a bonus in imba, which was great, that's why I learned to type vladimir first.I remember walking with Vladimir and teleport for 50 or 60 minutes)))

and then I learned to type TEST by asking and asking the people there to type something. That's how I learned to type 2 or 3 things.they would laugh at me. They would go and tell me that I should play cs 1.6 and that dota is not for me. But I was determined to learn dota.at school, I used to skip lessons and go to clubs. In any situation, playing Dota would distract me and cheer me up, even in the worst times. Even when almost everyone left me, I was with Dota. and if I play dota for 1 hour, I would sleep for 4 or 5 hours at night thinking about it. I used to write the iCCup logo or my Dota nicks in art class at school. If I didn't like them, I would tear a picture of the dota characters from the Warcraft disk and paste it in a notebook and write the names of the characters. I was in the 6th grade at that time.Then an acquaintance told me that I should play battle and that there are strong people there, that if I play with strong people I will get stronger faster, and they also gave me a nickname).and season 36 was the real season of Dota for me (i.e. i started dota in that season)

I used to take a stick or a tango and go to the mid in the sniper and against the invoker I would always get under the meteors)

and when my friend came over, I would surprise him by telling him what I had learned.

For the 2nd year, I practiced playing imba and 83 cards.Before going to school, ask for money for a taxi for 3 months.and then the family members found out about this and severely punished me. But this did not decrease my love for Dota. In fact, I love Dota very much and he will always remain in my heart. Unlimited stats and amazing levels of emotes are just like a great Bomb!

I didn't even know how to host or follow friends at that time)

Seeing games with the same name, I tried a lot with my friend to click on them at the same time and get into 1 game, but it was never possible)

My first one was i_love-school qpahmom and CaravanTV.I still have these nicks and have never given them to anyone) so later I got a computer and practiced by playing local for 3-4 hours a day.and later I started playing 1x1 and laughing at people who laughed at me) even if it hurt them.it's been 6 years and today i play dota for atleast 10 to 18 hours and i enjoy it.I still play dota because of old memories. because if it wasn't for love, I wouldn't be playing Dota right now.and the club that costs 2 or 3 rubles an hour is still working, and there I am now one of the biggest doters)and I want to thank the many people who serve iCCup for all the emotions and memories today) image

love you iCCup forever thanks for All.You are in my heart

Edited by BestWoDota (03 Jul 2022 @ 18:19 CET)
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