INTERNATIONAL CYBER CUP WarCraft III / DotA AllStars / Custom Games & Stats
K/D/A : 558 / 795 / 1000
K 1.3
KDA - becerinizi tanimlayan parametre
lokasyon #6186
4211 mac Listesi
Win/Lose/Leave 33 / 28 / 1
Couriers killed 0
Neutrals killed 282
Hours in game 60
kazanma orani 54%
Leave 1
en iyi istatistik: Lord of Olympia 20 - 6 - 23
Max kazanma serisi 7
mevcut seri -2
kahraman statistics
son oyunlar
kahraman mode Duration K / D / A Changes
Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter xl, TB 58:00 13 / 14 / 24 -102
Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter xl, TB 44:19 7 / 10 / 11 -102
Lord of Olympia Lord of Olympia xl, TB 41:50 10 / 7 / 17 +225
Earthshaker Earthshaker xl, TB 52:13 3 / 12 / 22 +180
Lord of Olympia Lord of Olympia xl, TB 66:17 5 / 15 / 17 +215
Top heroes

Top hero

Stealth Assassin Stealth Assassin

coolness factor: 1.93

Top killer

Sacred Warrior Sacred Warrior

average kills value: 14

Top assister

Spiritbreaker Spiritbreaker

average assists value: 22

en uzun oyun

Goblin Techies Goblin Techies

game length: 79:36

top farmer

Lord of Olympia Lord of Olympia

creeps: 1622

Top pusher

Pit Lord Pit Lord

towers denied: 9

oyun modes
onceki sezonlar
Season #57
18 - 14
Season #58
65 - 74
Season #59
77 - 83