INTERNATIONAL CYBER CUP DotA AllStars: кастом карты, статистика, хост-боты

iCCup Legendary Tournament

18 Mar 2011 @ 19:31 CET

Hello to all crazy players and readers!!! I have simply amazing news! iCCup administration opens a new tournament with a prize in the form of money (here you should be stunned, jump to the ceiling, running around the house without pants, running out into the street and cry cry cry)!

Past tournament was sponsored by our portal TheAbyss, but sponsors of this tournament are directly members of our portal administration.

 - Russian FederationiCCup.Re-teach(SA ladder section),
 - Russian FederationiCCup.iNferNo(SA tech support section),
 - Russian FederationiCCup.Doom(Head Admin).

Of course, our administrators are not so rich, and the prize is not as big as last time, but this is only the beginning!  Let's show to them on what you are capable!

Prize Money: 10000 rubles (if the first place will be taken by non-Russian team, the money will be converted into dollars, depending on the current rate) will be entirely given to the team, took first place!
The teams placing second and third place will receive a reward in the form of game-points or caps.

To be clearly, let's see  how prizes will bedistributed.

1 place: 10000 rubles
2 place: points or caps (the quantity will be settled later)
3 place: points or caps (the quantity will be settled later)

Now, you probably have a bunch of questions, do not worry, I'll tell you everything.

128 teamswill join  the fight , after which they will be divided into groups  (32 teams in each group).  Teams from the first four places will join play-off .It means that there will be 4 tournaments consist of 32 teams. From each tournament 4 teams will be selected. They will compete for our prizes in the final (fifth) tournament.

How to participate

To register, you will need to fill out an application and send it by a personal message to iCCup.Elfen.

1) Team Name
2) Composition + 2 spare player (optional)
3) Your nick name on the iccup
server, under which you will participate.
3) Contact details: skype or icq of the Captain.

1. Teams which have constant composition, which often take part in our tournaments, will have priority in choosing the participants in tournament.

2. If your application for participation is granted, then you will receive a reply message with the group in which you are defined.

3. Confirmation will be held only once — at the day of the tournament, and if you will not come, you won’t have another chance.

Tournaments rules.

Basic rules

1.1Dota version - last version, establishedon custom bots (at the moment it is 6.71b).
1,2 Stagesystem: Single Elimination BO1; Final battles BO3
1,3 Teams quantity:
   - Total paticipants: 128
   - Group stage: 32
   - Final battle: 16
1,4 You are
required to have Anti-Hack Launcher is essen
1,5 Date and time:
   - First tournament stage 26 
March(saturday) at 15.00 (Moscow)
   - Second
tournament stage 27 March(sunday) at15.00(Moscow)
   - Third
tournament stage 2 April(saturday) at15.00(Moscow)
   - Fourth
tournament stage 3 April(sunday) at 15.00(Moscow)
   - Final 9 April (
saturday) в 15.00(Moscow)

1,6 Confirmation of participation:

   - First tournament stage 19 March(saturday)from14,00 to 15,00 (Moscow)
   - Second
tournament stage 20 March(sunday)from14,00 to 15,00 (Moscow)
   - Third
tournament stage26 March(saturday)from14,00 to15,00 (Moscow)
   - Fourth
tournament stage 27 March(sunday)from14,00 to 15,00 (Moscow)
   - Final 9 April (
saturday)from14,00 to 15,00 (Moscow)

* Time can be viewed on the home page iCCup

Conducting system

2.1 -cm mod.
2.2 The order of the picks and bans is determined by the game mod.
2.3 All games are played on the custom bots of iCCup
   — To create / chost DotA
   — To create with referees / chost DotAref
2.4 In a disagreement of game bot selection — create a game, the captains write -roll, and the winner select the bot. Recreate and play, (if a dispute occurs in each new game, every time we write -roll)
2.5 In a disagreement side selection — create a game, the captains write -roll, and the winner select the side. Recreate and play;
2.6 If the teams play over than one game during the tournament, then after the first game they would change side.

Rules of the Game conduction

Read it very attentively! (under spoiler)

3.7 At the end of the game the captain of the team-winner has to save replay in the following format: team1_def_team2, where team1- winners, team2 – losers) and the commit replay file in the special line «commit win» in the tourney table.
3.9 Tech lose if Anti-Hack Launcher reveals map-hack (AH drops a player before the game start). An accident needs to be verified by the tournament staff member, save screen shots for this purpose.
3.10 Tech lose if the team is late for 20+ minutes to the game start..

Restrictions, unfair play
4.2 Limits on items quantity:
No limits
4.3 Restricted heroes:
No restrictions, game mode (-cm) determines, what heroes are allowed
4.4 Back-door:
— is allowed for the 1st two towers each lane
Not allowed for any buildings and towers in the base
4.5 Item pulling:
— no restrictions
4.7 Not allowed: to break any general ICCup rules.
4.8 Punishment is determined by administration. 


5.2 Administration has the right to delete a team or a player from the tournament.
5.3 Disqualification can be caused by:
— Using restricted bugs.
— Intentional disconnect.
— Multiple nickname registration.
— Cheating and tricking the administration.
— Committing wrong replay files.
— Bad manner.

«Disconnects», restarts
5.1 If a player was disconnected unintentionally:
in less than 10 minutes after the game start (no First Blood) — restart is possible;
If 10 minutes passed or being made First Blood, the restart is impossible
5.3 In case of restart the game is created with the same options. Players must pick the same heroes, same items and choose the same lanes.
5.7. Team sell is forbidden, however the team still may control leavers hero.

6.1 All the complaints on the game results can be reviewed by administration. The complaints filed within the 20 minutes after the end of certain game will not be considered.
6.2 Administration is free to correct this list of rules or add the new one.

Tournaments referees:


Other will be determined later.

For more questions, please write me in skype: lite-elfen

Well, we hope the tournament will be held well, and such an event will repeat in the future on iCCup!

9 комментариев
avatar #1 US LRM)Game 18 Mar 2011 @ 08:44 CET

I'm confused. Why is a DotA tournament in the SC section?

avatar #2 n-a 18 Mar 2011 @ 11:27 CET

Wrong click while posting the news. Thanks for mentioning it.

avatar #3 ME Dotor 18 Mar 2011 @ 21:48 CET

Well, this is good news. GL guys!

avatar #4 n-a 19 Mar 2011 @ 13:39 CET

All 128slots free in 1day??? i did send an msg to elfen no response, i bet my life there are not 128teams which did an application

avatar #5 DE Lorenz 21 Mar 2011 @ 01:23 CET

When will the finals be and will they be on iccup tv?

avatar #6 n-a 23 Mar 2011 @ 20:39 CET

eto dota?

avatar #7 n-a 10 Apr 2011 @ 16:53 CET

контер страйк ептеть.

avatar #8 n-a 12 Apr 2011 @ 19:48 CET

а где качать установить iccup

avatar #9 WORLD wp 17 Nov 2016 @ 18:09 CET

Я олд ara.gif