Results of Dota tournaments

22 Sep 2020 @ 18:37 CET

Hello dear users of our gaming platform! Week turns week, and tournaments remain intrinsically interesting and exciting, in them you can test your strength and show others what you are capable of. A lot of tactful games, beautiful moments and other goodies can be found in the tournaments of our brothers, and now let's go directly to the review.

Results of last week's tournaments:

iCCup Shadow Fiend 1x1 Tournament


iCCup Shadow Fiend 1x1 Tournament — The tournament that allowed us to know the best player on the hero #dota_dlg.ShadowFiend, the best players played on this hero. Who turned out to be the best ...

We present to your attention the winners!

dt-HPDEOX.pngMagatotsamiy  — 60cups.png

dt-DMVZO0.png27 40cups.png

dt-QZY0S8.pnghS-SF — 25cups.png

iCCup Necrolyte 1x1 Tournament


iCCup Necrolyte 1x1 Tournament— The tournament that allowed us to know the best player on the hero #dota_dlg.Necrolytethe best players played on this hero. Who turned out to be the best 

We present to your attention the winners!

 WoDoTa.PANDA) — 60cups.png 


dt-QZY0S8.png Midoria- - 25 

EU iCCup Vengeful Spirit 1x1


EU iCCup Vengeful Spirit 1x1 Tournament— The tournament that allowed us to know the best player on the hero #dota_dlg.VengefulSpirit the best players played on this hero. Who turned out to be the best ...

We present to your attention the winners!

 whatfuckmen — 5

 NagginG  — 30 

dt-QZY0S8.png Midoria- — 20 


We present to your attention the winners!

 whatfuckmen — 5


dt-QZY0S8.png hS-SF — 20 

iCCup Captain Mode 5x5 Tournament


iCCup Captain Mode 5x5 Tournament — The default weekly tournament, in which a variety of teams participated and showed themselves, but only the most played won.

We present to your attention the winners!

  MonaSongz||Turkmenbear||(tbo9_cmeptb.) ||Colapse||MoonLightполучают по70  и 150 птс!

 sharavii. ||vse_prekrasno ||rtz666||Vendetta||FreshBella получают по 40  и 75 птс!

On this fine note, the News section ends this review. See you next week. Be healthy, and fewer cancers in your team!

4 комментариев
avatar #1 CN 23 Sep 2020 @ 09:19 CET

Maga top 1 sf

avatar #3 RU iCCup.Maga 24 Sep 2020 @ 08:27 CET

iCCup.Takemi :
Maga top 1 sf
Тhis man is telling the truth