

Slithereen Guard
  • APM: 93
  • деңгей: 19


Holy Knight
  • APM: 94
  • деңгей: 13


  • APM: 106
  • деңгей: 18


  • APM: 97
  • деңгей: 19


  • APM: 118
  • деңгей: 21


  • APM: 104
  • деңгей: 24


  • APM: 114
  • деңгей: 22


Demon Witch
  • APM: 106
  • деңгей: 19


Skeleton King
  • APM: 78
  • деңгей: 20


Ancient Apparition
  • APM: 107
  • деңгей: 18






01 Jul 2022 @ 21:49 CET


(0 / 5.0 | 0 дауыс саны)

Ойынның нұсқасы




Ойын түрі




no descryption

Ойын уақыты: 50m : 14s
Slithereen Guard
Holy Knight
Demon Witch
Skeleton King
Ancient Apparition
Уақыт Никнейм Ақылды хабар
00:00 Slithereen Guard stonks

Shortest load by player Deadinside was 3.12 seconds

00:00 Slithereen Guard stonks

Longest load by player tatu_na_tele was 9.84 seconds

00:00 Slithereen Guard stonks

Your load time was 5.84 seconds

00:02 Slithereen Guard stonks


00:02 Slithereen Guard stonks


00:02 Slithereen Guard stonks



The game has been paused by stonks


The game has been resumed by ReDRagon


The game has been paused by ReDRagon

00:06 Juggernaut croopp


00:11 Juggernaut croopp


00:12 Juggernaut croopp


00:15 Juggernaut croopp


00:23 Juggernaut croopp


00:46 Juggernaut croopp


00:52 Juggernaut croopp


00:56 Earthshaker OneMore


01:01 Holy Knight Flash

Джага урса морта воид сларк

01:06 Skeleton King ReDRagon

Чего жде ?

01:06 Slithereen Guard stonks

u vas odnogo net

01:08 Skeleton King ReDRagon

ждем ?

01:11 Lifestealer FronZong


01:13 Lifestealer FronZong

ты топ1 джагер

01:13 Juggernaut croopp


01:15 Juggernaut croopp


01:16 Lifestealer FronZong

я это уже понял

01:20 Slithereen Guard stonks

tatu zaidi v konfu scourge dlya 5

01:33 Lifestealer FronZong

только он мог 5 раз умереть

01:36 Lifestealer FronZong

на джагере от реззаке

01:41 Skeleton King ReDRagon

след игр что будет ?

01:45 Slithereen Guard stonks


01:45 Earthshaker OneMore


01:47 Earthshaker OneMore



The game has been resumed by stonks

01:49 Juggernaut croopp


01:59 Juggernaut croopp


02:03 Juggernaut croopp


02:05 Juggernaut croopp


02:14 Lifestealer FronZong


02:15 Lifestealer FronZong

в пуле

02:15 Earthshaker OneMore


02:18 Earthshaker OneMore


02:20 Juggernaut croopp


02:25 Juggernaut croopp


02:27 Juggernaut croopp


02:33 Juggernaut croopp


02:34 Earthshaker OneMore


02:44 Juggernaut croopp


02:44 Juggernaut croopp


02:44 Juggernaut croopp


02:45 Juggernaut croopp


02:45 Juggernaut croopp


02:45 Juggernaut croopp


02:46 Juggernaut croopp


02:46 Juggernaut croopp


02:47 Juggernaut croopp


02:47 Juggernaut croopp


02:47 Juggernaut croopp


02:48 Juggernaut croopp


02:48 Juggernaut croopp


02:49 Juggernaut croopp


02:49 Juggernaut croopp


02:50 Juggernaut croopp


02:51 Juggernaut croopp


02:51 Juggernaut croopp


02:52 Juggernaut croopp


02:52 Juggernaut croopp


02:55 Juggernaut croopp


02:56 Juggernaut croopp


02:56 Earthshaker OneMore


02:58 Juggernaut croopp


02:59 Juggernaut croopp


02:59 Juggernaut croopp


03:00 Juggernaut croopp


03:02 Earthshaker OneMore


03:08 Juggernaut croopp


03:08 Juggernaut croopp


03:09 Juggernaut croopp


03:09 Juggernaut croopp


03:10 Juggernaut croopp


03:10 Juggernaut croopp


03:11 Juggernaut croopp


03:11 Juggernaut croopp


03:12 Juggernaut croopp


03:12 Juggernaut croopp


03:13 Juggernaut croopp


03:13 Juggernaut croopp


03:14 Juggernaut croopp


03:15 Juggernaut croopp


03:15 Juggernaut croopp


03:16 Juggernaut croopp


03:16 Juggernaut croopp


03:19 Juggernaut croopp


03:19 Juggernaut croopp


03:25 Juggernaut croopp


03:26 Juggernaut croopp


03:26 Juggernaut croopp


03:26 Juggernaut croopp


03:27 Juggernaut croopp


03:27 Juggernaut croopp


03:28 Juggernaut croopp


03:28 Juggernaut croopp


03:29 Juggernaut croopp


03:29 Juggernaut croopp


03:30 Juggernaut croopp


03:30 Juggernaut croopp


03:31 Juggernaut croopp


03:34 Juggernaut croopp


03:35 Juggernaut croopp


03:35 Juggernaut croopp


03:36 Juggernaut croopp


03:36 Juggernaut croopp


03:37 Juggernaut croopp


03:38 Juggernaut croopp


03:39 Juggernaut croopp


03:39 Juggernaut croopp


03:40 Juggernaut croopp


03:40 Juggernaut croopp


03:41 Juggernaut croopp


03:42 Juggernaut croopp


03:43 Juggernaut croopp


03:44 Juggernaut croopp


03:45 Juggernaut croopp


03:45 Juggernaut croopp


03:46 Juggernaut croopp


03:54 Juggernaut croopp


03:55 Juggernaut croopp


03:55 Juggernaut croopp


03:56 Juggernaut croopp


03:56 Juggernaut croopp


03:57 Juggernaut croopp


03:57 Juggernaut croopp


03:58 Juggernaut croopp


03:59 Juggernaut croopp


04:00 Juggernaut croopp


04:00 Juggernaut croopp


04:01 Juggernaut croopp


04:01 Earthshaker OneMore


04:01 Juggernaut croopp


04:03 Juggernaut croopp


04:04 Earthshaker OneMore


04:04 Juggernaut croopp


04:05 Juggernaut croopp


04:06 Juggernaut croopp


04:06 Juggernaut croopp


04:07 Earthshaker OneMore


04:07 Juggernaut croopp


04:08 Juggernaut croopp


04:09 Earthshaker OneMore

у меня

04:09 Lifestealer FronZong


04:10 Juggernaut croopp


04:11 Juggernaut croopp


04:12 Juggernaut croopp


04:12 Lifestealer FronZong

на сапа садись

04:13 Juggernaut croopp


04:14 Juggernaut croopp


04:14 Lifestealer FronZong

дай выиграть

04:15 Juggernaut croopp


04:16 Earthshaker OneMore


04:16 Juggernaut croopp


04:17 Juggernaut croopp


04:17 Juggernaut croopp


04:18 Earthshaker OneMore


04:19 Juggernaut croopp


04:20 Juggernaut croopp


04:21 Juggernaut croopp


04:22 Juggernaut croopp


04:22 Lifestealer FronZong

давай гулю

04:22 Juggernaut croopp


04:23 Juggernaut croopp


04:24 Lifestealer FronZong

или сларка

04:24 Juggernaut croopp


04:25 Juggernaut croopp


04:27 Juggernaut croopp


04:27 Earthshaker OneMore


04:27 Juggernaut croopp


04:28 Juggernaut croopp


04:28 Juggernaut croopp


04:28 Juggernaut croopp


04:29 Juggernaut croopp


04:30 Juggernaut croopp


04:30 Juggernaut croopp


04:31 Juggernaut croopp


04:32 Juggernaut croopp


04:32 Juggernaut croopp


04:33 Juggernaut croopp


04:33 Juggernaut croopp


04:34 Juggernaut croopp


04:34 Juggernaut croopp


04:35 Juggernaut croopp


04:36 Juggernaut croopp


04:37 Juggernaut croopp


04:37 Lifestealer FronZong

у нас нечем пробивать

04:38 Juggernaut croopp


04:38 Lifestealer FronZong


04:40 Juggernaut croopp


04:41 Juggernaut croopp


04:41 Juggernaut croopp


04:42 Juggernaut croopp


04:43 Juggernaut croopp


04:43 Juggernaut croopp


04:43 Earthshaker OneMore


04:44 Juggernaut croopp


04:44 Juggernaut croopp


04:45 Juggernaut croopp


04:46 Juggernaut croopp


04:46 Juggernaut croopp


04:47 Juggernaut croopp


04:47 Juggernaut croopp


04:48 Juggernaut croopp


04:48 Juggernaut croopp


04:49 Juggernaut croopp


04:49 Lifestealer FronZong

не надо

04:49 Juggernaut croopp


04:50 Juggernaut croopp


04:50 Juggernaut croopp


04:50 Juggernaut croopp


04:51 Juggernaut croopp


04:56 Juggernaut croopp

mne na mid idti

04:56 Juggernaut croopp


04:57 Juggernaut croopp


04:58 Juggernaut croopp


04:58 Juggernaut croopp


04:58 Juggernaut croopp


04:59 Juggernaut croopp


04:59 Juggernaut croopp


04:59 Juggernaut croopp


05:00 Juggernaut croopp


05:00 Juggernaut croopp


05:01 Juggernaut croopp


05:01 Juggernaut croopp


05:02 Juggernaut croopp


05:02 Juggernaut croopp


05:02 Lifestealer FronZong


05:03 Juggernaut croopp


05:03 Juggernaut croopp


05:04 Juggernaut croopp


05:04 Juggernaut croopp


05:05 Juggernaut croopp


05:05 Juggernaut croopp


05:06 Juggernaut croopp


05:06 Juggernaut croopp


05:07 Juggernaut croopp


05:08 Juggernaut croopp


05:09 Juggernaut croopp

davayte ja sam

05:09 Lifestealer FronZong

го урсу мб

05:10 Juggernaut croopp


05:10 Juggernaut croopp


05:10 Lifestealer FronZong

на мил

05:11 Juggernaut croopp


05:11 Lifestealer FronZong


05:12 Juggernaut croopp


05:12 Juggernaut croopp


05:13 Juggernaut croopp


05:13 Juggernaut croopp


05:14 Juggernaut croopp


05:14 Juggernaut croopp


05:15 Juggernaut croopp


05:15 Juggernaut croopp


05:16 Juggernaut croopp


05:17 Juggernaut croopp


05:17 Juggernaut croopp


05:18 Juggernaut croopp


05:20 Juggernaut croopp


05:25 Lifestealer FronZong


05:26 Lifestealer FronZong


05:27 Lifestealer FronZong


05:27 Juggernaut croopp


05:27 Juggernaut croopp


05:28 Juggernaut croopp


05:28 Lifestealer FronZong


05:29 Lifestealer FronZong


05:31 Earthshaker OneMore


05:34 Lifestealer FronZong

-swap 2

05:35 Holy Knight Flash

-swap 4

05:36 Juggernaut croopp


05:37 Juggernaut croopp


05:38 Earthshaker OneMore


05:49 Holy Knight Flash

-swap 3

05:51 Icarus Deadinside

-swap 2

05:56 Slithereen Guard stonks


05:56 Slithereen Guard stonks


05:56 Slithereen Guard stonks


05:57 Juggernaut croopp


05:58 Slithereen Guard stonks


05:58 Slithereen Guard stonks


05:58 Slithereen Guard stonks


05:59 Slithereen Guard stonks


05:59 Slithereen Guard stonks


05:59 Slithereen Guard stonks


05:59 Juggernaut croopp


06:00 Slithereen Guard stonks

-water 0 30 150

06:00 Slithereen Guard stonks

-water 0 30 150

06:00 Slithereen Guard stonks

-water 0 30 150

06:01 Slithereen Guard stonks


06:01 Slithereen Guard stonks


06:01 Slithereen Guard stonks


06:02 Juggernaut croopp


06:02 Lifestealer FronZong

через 3 играй

06:04 Lifestealer FronZong

на чене

06:04 Juggernaut croopp


06:05 Juggernaut croopp


06:09 Juggernaut croopp


06:10 Lifestealer FronZong

имей ввиду

06:14 Lifestealer FronZong

на сколько качнул

06:14 Juggernaut croopp


06:18 Lifestealer FronZong

на столько сможешь героев

06:18 Lifestealer FronZong


06:25 Juggernaut croopp


06:28 Holy Knight Flash


06:30 Holy Knight Flash


06:30 Holy Knight Flash


06:32 Holy Knight Flash


06:36 Holy Knight Flash


06:37 Juggernaut croopp


06:45 Holy Knight Flash


06:46 Holy Knight Flash


06:50 Juggernaut croopp


06:52 Juggernaut croopp


06:55 Holy Knight Flash


06:55 Holy Knight Flash


06:56 Lifestealer FronZong


06:56 Holy Knight Flash



Creep spawning

07:02 Ancient Apparition RouliX

First Kill: Killed croopp

07:03 Juggernaut croopp


07:07 Juggernaut croopp


07:15 Juggernaut croopp


07:26 Juggernaut croopp


07:38 Juggernaut croopp


07:43 Alchemist PepsiQ-

got level 2

07:46 Slithereen Guard stonks

got level 2

07:53 Juggernaut croopp


08:03 Alchemist PepsiQ-

got level 3

08:03 Juggernaut croopp


08:09 Skeleton King ReDRagon

got level 2

08:10 Holy Knight Flash

got level 2

08:11 Lifestealer FronZong

got level 2

08:11 Juggernaut croopp

got level 2

08:14 Demon Witch tatu_na_tele

Killed FronZong

08:21 Earthshaker OneMore

got level 2

08:21 Juggernaut croopp


08:22 Icarus Deadinside

got level 2

08:27 Juggernaut croopp


08:29 Ancient Apparition RouliX

got level 2

08:29 Demon Witch tatu_na_tele

got level 2

08:32 Slithereen Guard stonks

got level 3

08:42 Earthshaker OneMore

got level 3

08:47 Icarus Deadinside

Killed tatu_na_tele

08:56 Juggernaut croopp


08:57 Earthshaker OneMore


09:01 Alchemist PepsiQ-

got level 4

09:08 Icarus Deadinside

got level 3

09:14 Holy Knight Flash

got level 3

09:14 Lifestealer FronZong

got level 3

09:14 Icarus Deadinside

Killed ReDRagon

09:18 Earthshaker OneMore


09:23 Juggernaut croopp

got level 3

09:24 Slithereen Guard stonks

got level 4

09:32 Lifestealer FronZong

.abilitystate A194 1 2655 33972

09:32 Lifestealer FronZong

.abilitystate A194 1 2530 37876

09:38 Juggernaut croopp


09:38 Earthshaker OneMore

got level 4

09:57 Juggernaut croopp

got level 4

09:59 Juggernaut croopp


10:01 Alchemist PepsiQ-

got level 5

10:05 Skeleton King ReDRagon

got level 3

10:22 Ancient Apparition RouliX

got level 3

10:28 Juggernaut croopp


10:28 Demon Witch tatu_na_tele

got level 3

10:32 Slithereen Guard stonks

got level 5

10:38 Juggernaut croopp

Killed OneMore

10:38 Juggernaut croopp

got level 5

10:39 Earthshaker OneMore


10:40 Juggernaut croopp


10:44 Earthshaker OneMore

mute dam

10:46 Earthshaker OneMore

Next raz

10:48 Juggernaut croopp


10:50 Holy Knight Flash


10:50 Lifestealer FronZong

got level 4

10:52 Holy Knight Flash

.abilitystate A28T 2 0 2454

10:54 Earthshaker OneMore


10:55 Juggernaut croopp


10:57 Juggernaut croopp


11:02 Juggernaut croopp


11:10 Juggernaut croopp

got level 6

11:17 Juggernaut croopp


11:18 Juggernaut croopp


11:19 Juggernaut croopp

u menja 6 est

11:21 Juggernaut croopp

go ximika

11:24 Earthshaker OneMore

got level 5

11:30 Icarus Deadinside

got level 4

11:30 Juggernaut croopp


11:37 Alchemist PepsiQ-

got level 6

11:42 Alchemist PepsiQ-

Killed Deadinside

11:43 Juggernaut croopp

Killed PepsiQ-

11:43 Slithereen Guard stonks

got level 6

11:44 Earthshaker OneMore


11:45 Juggernaut croopp


11:47 Alchemist PepsiQ-

Killed croopp

11:47 Juggernaut croopp


11:49 Juggernaut croopp


11:50 Earthshaker OneMore


11:50 Alchemist PepsiQ-


11:53 Juggernaut croopp


11:54 Skeleton King ReDRagon

got level 4

12:03 Juggernaut croopp


12:09 Juggernaut croopp


12:10 Slithereen Guard stonks

Player ReDRagon has lost the connection

12:12 Earthshaker OneMore

got level 6

12:14 Juggernaut croopp

-l q

12:18 Juggernaut croopp

go mid

12:18 Ancient Apparition RouliX


12:18 Slithereen Guard stonks

Player ReDRagon has reconnected to the game

12:18 Slithereen Guard stonks

-l 35

12:18 Slithereen Guard stonks

Setting game latency to 35 ms

12:18 Juggernaut croopp

u menja phase boots

12:18 Slithereen Guard stonks

-l 35

12:18 Slithereen Guard stonks

-l 35

12:18 Juggernaut croopp


12:18 Juggernaut croopp


12:20 Lifestealer FronZong

got level 5

12:26 Juggernaut croopp


12:40 Juggernaut croopp


12:54 Ancient Apparition RouliX

got level 4

12:54 Earthshaker OneMore

Killed croopp

12:54 Earthshaker OneMore

got level 7

12:55 Juggernaut croopp


12:56 Earthshaker OneMore


12:56 Earthshaker OneMore


12:57 Juggernaut croopp


12:59 Juggernaut croopp


13:00 Earthshaker OneMore


13:01 Earthshaker OneMore


13:01 Alchemist PepsiQ-

got level 7

13:03 Juggernaut croopp


13:04 Holy Knight Flash

Killed ReDRagon

13:04 Holy Knight Flash

got level 4

13:06 Juggernaut croopp


13:08 Earthshaker OneMore


13:09 Earthshaker OneMore


13:09 Juggernaut croopp


13:26 Lifestealer FronZong

got level 6

13:30 Slithereen Guard stonks

got level 7

13:31 Juggernaut croopp


13:43 Juggernaut croopp

got level 7

13:53 Ancient Apparition RouliX

Killed Deadinside

13:55 Juggernaut croopp


13:56 Juggernaut croopp


13:56 Demon Witch tatu_na_tele

got level 4

13:59 Alchemist PepsiQ-

got level 8

14:00 Earthshaker OneMore

Killed FronZong

14:00 Ancient Apparition RouliX

got level 5

14:00 Earthshaker OneMore

got level 8

14:06 Skeleton King ReDRagon

got level 5

14:10 Juggernaut croopp


14:20 Juggernaut croopp


14:21 Earthshaker OneMore


14:31 Slithereen Guard stonks

Player ReDRagon has reconnected to the game

14:42 Skeleton King ReDRagon


14:45 Earthshaker OneMore

Killed stonks

14:47 Earthshaker OneMore


14:50 Juggernaut croopp


15:12 Icarus Deadinside

got level 5

15:12 Icarus Deadinside

Killed OneMore

15:12 Icarus Deadinside

got level 6

15:12 Holy Knight Flash

got level 5

15:13 Earthshaker OneMore


15:13 Juggernaut croopp

got level 8

15:15 Earthshaker OneMore


15:26 Slithereen Guard stonks

got level 8

15:31 Holy Knight Flash

Killed ReDRagon

15:32 Earthshaker OneMore


15:34 Juggernaut croopp

Killed tatu_na_tele

15:40 unknown

Denied croopp

15:40 Ancient Apparition RouliX

got level 6

15:40 Juggernaut croopp


15:41 Earthshaker OneMore


15:42 Lifestealer FronZong

got level 7

15:42 Juggernaut croopp


15:44 Juggernaut croopp


15:51 Juggernaut croopp


15:56 Juggernaut croopp


16:00 Alchemist PepsiQ-

got level 9

16:03 Juggernaut croopp


16:03 Juggernaut croopp


16:09 Ancient Apparition RouliX

got level 7

16:09 Ancient Apparition RouliX

Killed Flash

16:11 Juggernaut croopp


16:12 Earthshaker OneMore


16:32 Lifestealer FronZong

got level 8

16:56 Juggernaut croopp


17:04 Juggernaut croopp


17:04 Demon Witch tatu_na_tele

got level 5

17:04 Alchemist PepsiQ-

Killed stonks

17:22 Skeleton King ReDRagon

got level 6

17:31 Juggernaut croopp


17:40 Ancient Apparition RouliX

got level 8

18:01 Juggernaut croopp


18:32 Earthshaker OneMore

got level 9

18:32 Earthshaker OneMore

Killed croopp

18:32 Juggernaut croopp


18:32 Earthshaker OneMore


18:33 Earthshaker OneMore


18:35 Juggernaut croopp


18:42 Ancient Apparition RouliX

Destroyed external sentinel mid Tower

18:45 Earthshaker OneMore


18:49 Holy Knight Flash

got level 6

18:52 Icarus Deadinside

got level 7

18:56 Juggernaut croopp


19:10 Slithereen Guard stonks

Destroyed external scourge top Tower

19:13 Slithereen Guard stonks

got level 9

19:14 Juggernaut croopp


19:16 Earthshaker OneMore


19:23 Juggernaut croopp


19:29 Earthshaker OneMore

Killed Flash

19:29 Demon Witch tatu_na_tele

got level 6

19:41 Juggernaut croopp

got level 9

19:41 Juggernaut croopp

Killed OneMore

19:56 Alchemist PepsiQ-

Killed Deadinside

19:56 Skeleton King ReDRagon

got level 7

19:57 Earthshaker OneMore


19:58 Icarus Deadinside

Killed tatu_na_tele

19:59 Lifestealer FronZong

got level 9

19:59 Lifestealer FronZong

Killed RouliX

19:59 Earthshaker OneMore


20:01 Alchemist PepsiQ-

got level 10

20:01 Alchemist PepsiQ-

Killed croopp

20:02 Juggernaut croopp


20:02 Juggernaut croopp


20:08 Skeleton King ReDRagon

got level 8

20:10 Earthshaker OneMore


20:17 Slithereen Guard stonks

Killed ReDRagon

20:18 Earthshaker OneMore


20:24 Alchemist PepsiQ-

got level 11

20:29 Juggernaut croopp


20:45 Juggernaut croopp


20:50 Juggernaut croopp


21:01 Slithereen Guard stonks

got level 10

21:08 Juggernaut croopp


21:10 Juggernaut croopp


21:14 Juggernaut croopp


21:27 Skeleton King ReDRagon

Killed Flash

21:43 Slithereen Guard stonks

got level 11

21:44 Juggernaut croopp


21:44 Earthshaker OneMore

got level 10

21:57 Juggernaut croopp


22:00 Earthshaker OneMore

Killed FronZong

22:00 Earthshaker OneMore

got level 11

22:01 Earthshaker OneMore


22:03 Juggernaut croopp


22:11 Neutrals

Destroyed external scourge bottom Tower

22:17 Juggernaut croopp

got level 10

22:20 Juggernaut croopp


22:29 Juggernaut croopp


22:31 Ancient Apparition RouliX

got level 9

22:32 Juggernaut croopp


22:37 Juggernaut croopp


22:48 Demon Witch tatu_na_tele

got level 7

22:48 Juggernaut croopp


23:01 Juggernaut croopp


23:05 Juggernaut croopp


23:15 Lifestealer FronZong

got level 10

23:17 Icarus Deadinside

got level 8

23:20 Juggernaut croopp


23:25 Alchemist PepsiQ-

Killed Flash

23:31 Juggernaut croopp


23:31 Juggernaut croopp


23:35 Juggernaut croopp


23:36 Skeleton King ReDRagon

got level 9

23:45 unknown

Destroyed external sentinel bottom Tower

23:46 Slithereen Guard stonks

Killed OneMore

23:48 Earthshaker OneMore


23:49 Demon Witch tatu_na_tele

got level 8

23:51 Juggernaut croopp


23:54 Earthshaker OneMore

naixa riby videl

23:56 Juggernaut croopp


23:56 Earthshaker OneMore


23:59 Earthshaker OneMore


23:59 Earthshaker OneMore


24:03 Juggernaut croopp


24:08 Lifestealer FronZong

got level 11

24:10 Juggernaut croopp

got level 11

24:20 Juggernaut croopp


24:28 Juggernaut croopp


24:40 Juggernaut croopp


24:44 Juggernaut croopp


24:52 Holy Knight Flash

got level 7

24:52 Juggernaut croopp


24:57 Lifestealer FronZong

.abilitystate A0SW 2 5531 0

24:57 Lifestealer FronZong

.abilitystate A0SW 2 5406 0

24:57 Lifestealer FronZong

.abilitystate A0SW 2 5281 0

25:04 Alchemist PepsiQ-

got level 12

25:10 Skeleton King ReDRagon

got level 10

25:11 Juggernaut croopp


25:18 Demon Witch tatu_na_tele

Killed stonks

25:34 Ancient Apparition RouliX

got level 10

25:34 Alchemist PepsiQ-

Killed FronZong

25:34 Earthshaker OneMore

got level 12

25:35 Juggernaut croopp


25:49 Juggernaut croopp


25:51 Juggernaut croopp


25:59 Juggernaut croopp


26:09 Earthshaker OneMore


26:09 Juggernaut croopp


26:12 Icarus Deadinside

got level 9

26:13 Juggernaut croopp


26:19 Juggernaut croopp


26:20 Demon Witch tatu_na_tele

got level 9

26:20 Earthshaker OneMore

Killed Flash

26:20 Earthshaker OneMore


26:32 Juggernaut croopp

Killed RouliX

26:33 Earthshaker OneMore


26:38 Juggernaut croopp


26:38 Juggernaut croopp


26:39 Alchemist PepsiQ-

Killed croopp

26:39 Earthshaker OneMore

got level 13

26:39 Alchemist PepsiQ-

got level 13

26:40 Earthshaker OneMore


26:42 Juggernaut croopp


26:44 Juggernaut croopp


26:46 Juggernaut croopp


26:49 Juggernaut croopp


26:52 Juggernaut croopp


26:54 Juggernaut croopp


27:01 Juggernaut croopp


27:04 Juggernaut croopp


27:08 Juggernaut croopp


27:13 Juggernaut croopp


27:18 Juggernaut croopp


27:23 Earthshaker OneMore

Destroyed intermediate sentinel mid Tower

27:28 Juggernaut croopp


27:31 Alchemist PepsiQ-

Killed Deadinside

27:31 Skeleton King ReDRagon

got level 11

27:31 Demon Witch tatu_na_tele

got level 10

27:31 Earthshaker OneMore


27:34 Earthshaker OneMore

Killed stonks

27:34 Earthshaker OneMore

Killed FronZong

27:34 Demon Witch tatu_na_tele

got level 11

27:38 Juggernaut croopp


27:39 Alchemist PepsiQ-

got level 14

27:43 Ancient Apparition RouliX

Killed Flash

27:43 Ancient Apparition RouliX

got level 11

27:43 Juggernaut croopp


27:45 Earthshaker OneMore


27:47 Juggernaut croopp


27:53 Juggernaut croopp


28:05 Alchemist PepsiQ-

Destroyed base sentinel mid Tower

28:13 Juggernaut croopp


28:18 Earthshaker OneMore


28:24 Demon Witch tatu_na_tele

Killed Deadinside

28:29 Lifestealer FronZong

Killed PepsiQ-

28:29 Holy Knight Flash

got level 8

28:29 Slithereen Guard stonks

got level 12

28:30 Earthshaker OneMore


28:32 Skeleton King ReDRagon

Destroyed sentinel mid melee Barracks

28:38 Juggernaut croopp


28:39 Juggernaut croopp


28:39 Juggernaut croopp

got level 12

28:39 Juggernaut croopp

Killed ReDRagon

28:39 Slithereen Guard stonks

got level 13

28:40 Earthshaker OneMore


28:51 Juggernaut croopp


28:51 Slithereen Guard stonks

Killed RouliX

28:53 Juggernaut croopp


28:55 Earthshaker OneMore


28:56 Juggernaut croopp


29:00 Juggernaut croopp

got level 13

29:04 Juggernaut croopp


29:09 Juggernaut croopp


29:14 Juggernaut croopp


29:16 Juggernaut croopp


29:28 Juggernaut croopp


29:38 Juggernaut croopp


29:42 Juggernaut croopp


29:43 Earthshaker OneMore


29:55 Juggernaut croopp


29:58 Juggernaut croopp


30:00 Juggernaut croopp


30:06 Earthshaker OneMore

got level 14

30:07 Juggernaut croopp


30:09 Icarus Deadinside

got level 10

30:11 Juggernaut croopp


30:19 Alchemist PepsiQ-

Killed Flash

30:28 Slithereen Guard stonks

got level 14

30:28 Lifestealer FronZong

got level 12

30:28 Lifestealer FronZong

Killed PepsiQ-

30:30 Holy Knight Flash


30:31 Juggernaut croopp


30:36 Juggernaut croopp


30:40 Lifestealer FronZong

got level 13

30:40 Slithereen Guard stonks

Killed OneMore

30:41 Icarus Deadinside

got level 11

30:41 Ancient Apparition RouliX

Killed stonks

30:42 Earthshaker OneMore


30:42 Earthshaker OneMore


30:48 Juggernaut croopp


30:49 Juggernaut croopp


30:49 Juggernaut croopp

Killed tatu_na_tele

30:49 Juggernaut croopp

got level 14

30:50 Juggernaut croopp


30:52 Juggernaut croopp


30:52 Holy Knight Flash


30:52 Holy Knight Flash


31:01 Juggernaut croopp


31:05 Juggernaut croopp


31:09 Skeleton King ReDRagon

Killed FronZong

31:09 Skeleton King ReDRagon

got level 12

31:16 Juggernaut croopp


31:17 Holy Knight Flash

.abilitystate A28T 3 0 0

31:17 Holy Knight Flash

.abilitystate A28T 3 0 0

31:20 Juggernaut croopp


31:22 Juggernaut croopp


31:22 Juggernaut croopp


31:26 Juggernaut croopp


31:28 unknown

Destroyed sentinel mid ranged Barracks

31:29 Juggernaut croopp


31:31 Ancient Apparition RouliX

got level 12

31:31 Ancient Apparition RouliX

Killed croopp

31:32 Juggernaut croopp


31:37 Juggernaut croopp


31:43 Earthshaker OneMore


31:45 Holy Knight Flash

.abilitystate A28T 3 17218 0

31:57 Slithereen Guard stonks

got level 15

32:00 Holy Knight Flash

.abilitystate A28T 3 2821 0

32:05 Alchemist PepsiQ-

got level 15

32:10 Icarus Deadinside


32:10 Juggernaut croopp


32:10 Juggernaut croopp


32:12 Juggernaut croopp


32:19 Earthshaker OneMore


32:21 Demon Witch tatu_na_tele

Killed Flash

32:22 Earthshaker OneMore


32:22 Juggernaut croopp


32:27 Juggernaut croopp


32:32 Lifestealer FronZong

Killed tatu_na_tele

32:37 Juggernaut croopp


32:46 Juggernaut croopp


32:54 Juggernaut croopp


33:01 Juggernaut croopp


33:03 Lifestealer FronZong

got level 14

33:05 Juggernaut croopp

Destroyed intermediate scourge top Tower

33:10 Earthshaker OneMore

got level 15

33:10 Earthshaker OneMore

Killed stonks

33:11 Juggernaut croopp


33:16 Juggernaut croopp


33:20 Juggernaut croopp

got level 15

33:23 Alchemist PepsiQ-

Killed Deadinside

33:23 Ancient Apparition RouliX

got level 13

33:23 Alchemist PepsiQ-

got level 16

33:25 Juggernaut croopp


33:28 Juggernaut croopp


33:32 Juggernaut croopp


33:33 Skeleton King ReDRagon

Killed Flash

33:33 Earthshaker OneMore


33:39 Juggernaut croopp


33:43 Juggernaut croopp


33:49 Juggernaut croopp


33:52 Earthshaker OneMore

got level 16

33:58 Juggernaut croopp


34:13 Demon Witch tatu_na_tele

got level 12

34:15 unknown

Destroyed intermediate sentinel bottom Tower

34:15 Earthshaker OneMore


34:25 Juggernaut croopp


34:30 Holy Knight Flash

got level 9

34:30 Slithereen Guard stonks

Killed OneMore

34:30 Skeleton King ReDRagon

got level 13

34:30 Skeleton King ReDRagon

Killed Flash

34:31 Earthshaker OneMore


34:32 Juggernaut croopp


34:36 Icarus Deadinside

got level 12

34:36 Lifestealer FronZong

Killed RouliX

34:36 Lifestealer FronZong

got level 15

34:36 Slithereen Guard stonks

got level 16

34:39 Earthshaker OneMore


34:41 Juggernaut croopp


34:42 Alchemist PepsiQ-

Killed stonks

34:48 Earthshaker OneMore


34:48 Juggernaut croopp

Killed ReDRagon

34:48 Icarus Deadinside

got level 13

34:48 Alchemist PepsiQ-

got level 17

34:54 Lifestealer FronZong

Killed PepsiQ-

35:05 Juggernaut croopp


35:05 Earthshaker OneMore

Killed Deadinside

35:14 Demon Witch tatu_na_tele

got level 13

35:14 Earthshaker OneMore

Killed FronZong

35:14 Earthshaker OneMore

got level 17

35:15 Juggernaut croopp


35:17 Earthshaker OneMore


35:19 Juggernaut croopp


35:22 Juggernaut croopp


35:32 Juggernaut croopp


35:44 Juggernaut croopp


35:49 Juggernaut croopp

got level 16

35:55 Juggernaut croopp


35:57 Juggernaut croopp


36:08 Juggernaut croopp


36:13 Juggernaut croopp


36:19 Juggernaut croopp


36:26 Juggernaut croopp


36:36 Juggernaut croopp


36:41 Juggernaut croopp


36:45 Lifestealer FronZong

Killed OneMore

36:45 Lifestealer FronZong

got level 16

36:45 Icarus Deadinside

got level 14

36:46 Earthshaker OneMore


36:50 Lifestealer FronZong

Killed ReDRagon

36:53 Holy Knight Flash

got level 10

36:53 Slithereen Guard stonks

Killed PepsiQ-

36:53 Juggernaut croopp

got level 17

36:53 Slithereen Guard stonks

got level 17

37:06 Juggernaut croopp


37:10 Demon Witch tatu_na_tele

got level 14

37:20 Juggernaut croopp


37:22 Juggernaut croopp


37:34 Juggernaut croopp


37:43 Juggernaut croopp


37:46 Juggernaut croopp


37:57 Juggernaut croopp


38:02 Holy Knight Flash

Враг ушел с линии!

38:04 Juggernaut croopp


38:07 Icarus Deadinside

.abilitystate A1RK 2 31974 0

38:10 Juggernaut croopp


38:11 Juggernaut croopp


38:12 Juggernaut croopp


38:16 Holy Knight Flash

got level 11

38:16 Lifestealer FronZong

Killed RouliX

38:16 Lifestealer FronZong

got level 17

38:17 Skeleton King ReDRagon

got level 14

38:17 Earthshaker OneMore

Killed Flash

38:23 Holy Knight Flash

Destroyed intermediate scourge bottom Tower

38:23 Alchemist PepsiQ-

Killed stonks

38:31 Earthshaker OneMore

Killed Deadinside

38:31 Earthshaker OneMore

got level 18

38:34 Earthshaker OneMore


38:34 Juggernaut croopp


38:44 Juggernaut croopp


38:45 Skeleton King ReDRagon

got level 15

38:59 Holy Knight Flash


39:00 Holy Knight Flash


39:02 Holy Knight Flash


39:05 Earthshaker OneMore


39:07 Juggernaut croopp


39:12 Juggernaut croopp


39:13 Juggernaut croopp


39:14 Juggernaut croopp


39:16 Juggernaut croopp


39:17 Alchemist PepsiQ-

Killed croopp

39:17 Demon Witch tatu_na_tele

got level 15

39:17 Alchemist PepsiQ-

got level 18

39:18 Earthshaker OneMore


39:18 Juggernaut croopp


39:21 Juggernaut croopp


39:26 Juggernaut croopp


39:26 Juggernaut croopp


39:33 Juggernaut croopp


39:35 Juggernaut croopp


39:47 Icarus Deadinside

got level 15

39:55 Juggernaut croopp


39:56 Juggernaut croopp


40:00 Earthshaker OneMore


40:01 Holy Knight Flash


40:03 Juggernaut croopp


40:06 Juggernaut croopp


40:09 Earthshaker OneMore


40:10 Juggernaut croopp


40:10 Earthshaker OneMore


40:13 Holy Knight Flash

Противник вернулся!

40:15 Holy Knight Flash


40:15 Holy Knight Flash


40:16 Holy Knight Flash


40:16 Juggernaut croopp


40:17 Icarus Deadinside


40:17 Icarus Deadinside


40:18 Holy Knight Flash


40:18 Earthshaker OneMore


40:19 Holy Knight Flash


40:19 Holy Knight Flash


40:19 Holy Knight Flash


40:22 Juggernaut croopp


40:25 Juggernaut croopp


40:26 Holy Knight Flash


40:26 Holy Knight Flash


40:27 Holy Knight Flash


40:32 Alchemist PepsiQ-

got level 19

40:34 Holy Knight Flash


40:35 Holy Knight Flash


40:41 Juggernaut croopp


40:45 Juggernaut croopp


40:50 Juggernaut croopp


40:53 Juggernaut croopp


40:58 Juggernaut croopp


41:04 Earthshaker OneMore

got level 19

41:15 Alchemist PepsiQ-

Killed stonks

41:15 Ancient Apparition RouliX

got level 14

41:16 Juggernaut croopp


41:16 Juggernaut croopp


41:22 Earthshaker OneMore


41:26 Juggernaut croopp


41:29 Juggernaut croopp

Killed OneMore

41:29 Juggernaut croopp

got level 18

41:30 Skeleton King ReDRagon

got level 16

41:30 Skeleton King ReDRagon

Killed Deadinside

41:32 Earthshaker OneMore


41:35 Juggernaut croopp


41:41 Ancient Apparition RouliX

Killed croopp

41:41 Ancient Apparition RouliX

got level 15

41:42 Slithereen Guard stonks

Killed tatu_na_tele

41:42 Juggernaut croopp


41:43 Skeleton King ReDRagon

Killed stonks

41:43 Alchemist PepsiQ-

got level 20

41:43 Earthshaker OneMore


41:43 Earthshaker OneMore


41:48 Juggernaut croopp


41:48 Juggernaut croopp

.abilitystate I0RS 1 810 0

41:49 Earthshaker OneMore


41:51 Skeleton King ReDRagon

got level 17

41:51 Skeleton King ReDRagon

Killed Flash

41:54 Juggernaut croopp


42:01 Icarus Deadinside

Killed ReDRagon

42:01 Juggernaut croopp

got level 19

42:01 Lifestealer FronZong

got level 18

42:01 Icarus Deadinside

got level 16

42:22 Juggernaut croopp

Killed PepsiQ-

42:24 Earthshaker OneMore


42:26 Juggernaut croopp


42:26 Holy Knight Flash


42:26 Juggernaut croopp


42:26 Holy Knight Flash


42:27 Juggernaut croopp


42:32 Juggernaut croopp


42:38 unknown

Destroyed external sentinel top Tower

42:38 Juggernaut croopp


42:42 Juggernaut croopp


42:45 Juggernaut croopp


42:47 Icarus Deadinside

got level 17

42:49 Juggernaut croopp


42:52 Juggernaut croopp


42:59 Juggernaut croopp


43:09 Juggernaut croopp


43:12 Juggernaut croopp


43:14 Demon Witch tatu_na_tele

got level 16

43:15 Juggernaut croopp

got level 20

43:18 Juggernaut croopp


43:27 Juggernaut croopp


43:31 Juggernaut croopp


43:32 Ancient Apparition RouliX

Killed croopp

43:32 Earthshaker OneMore


43:44 Juggernaut croopp


44:04 Holy Knight Flash

got level 12

44:04 Holy Knight Flash

Killed ReDRagon

44:04 Lifestealer FronZong

got level 19

44:04 Slithereen Guard stonks

got level 18

44:05 Skeleton King ReDRagon

Killed stonks

44:05 Ancient Apparition RouliX

got level 16

44:17 Earthshaker OneMore


44:19 Alchemist PepsiQ-

Killed Flash

44:28 Juggernaut croopp


44:30 Earthshaker OneMore

Killed Deadinside

44:30 Ancient Apparition RouliX

got level 17

44:30 Earthshaker OneMore

got level 20

44:34 Juggernaut croopp


44:34 Juggernaut croopp


44:34 Alchemist PepsiQ-

got level 21

44:34 Earthshaker OneMore

Killed FronZong

44:34 Demon Witch tatu_na_tele

got level 17

44:34 Juggernaut croopp


44:38 Earthshaker OneMore


44:59 unknown

Destroyed final sentinel mid Tower

45:07 Alchemist PepsiQ-

Destroyed final sentinel mid Tower


World Tree at 75%

45:12 Juggernaut croopp



World Tree at 50%

45:19 Demon Witch tatu_na_tele

Killed Flash

45:20 Neutrals

Killed tatu_na_tele

45:28 Slithereen Guard stonks

got level 19

45:28 Slithereen Guard stonks

Killed RouliX

45:28 Juggernaut croopp

got level 21

45:30 Earthshaker OneMore


45:34 Juggernaut croopp


45:40 Juggernaut croopp


45:42 Juggernaut croopp


45:47 Earthshaker OneMore


45:49 Juggernaut croopp


45:54 Earthshaker OneMore


45:58 Juggernaut croopp


45:59 Juggernaut croopp


46:02 Juggernaut croopp


46:13 Juggernaut croopp


46:18 Earthshaker OneMore


46:19 Juggernaut croopp


46:31 Juggernaut croopp


46:33 Skeleton King ReDRagon

got level 18

46:43 Alchemist PepsiQ-

got level 22

46:52 Juggernaut croopp


46:58 Ancient Apparition RouliX

got level 18

46:58 Ancient Apparition RouliX

Killed Flash

46:58 Juggernaut croopp


47:00 Alchemist PepsiQ-


47:01 Alchemist PepsiQ-


47:03 Juggernaut croopp



World Tree at 25%

47:06 Juggernaut croopp


47:09 Juggernaut croopp


47:14 Juggernaut croopp


47:15 Holy Knight Flash


47:17 Earthshaker OneMore

got level 21

47:32 Juggernaut croopp


47:34 Juggernaut croopp


47:37 Juggernaut croopp


47:40 Juggernaut croopp


47:46 Juggernaut croopp


47:50 Juggernaut croopp


47:56 Juggernaut croopp


48:00 Juggernaut croopp


48:03 Juggernaut croopp


48:08 Juggernaut croopp


48:09 Icarus Deadinside

got level 18

48:10 Earthshaker OneMore


48:12 Juggernaut croopp


48:21 Juggernaut croopp


48:30 Juggernaut croopp


48:39 Juggernaut croopp


48:45 Juggernaut croopp


48:51 Juggernaut croopp


48:57 Juggernaut croopp


48:57 Juggernaut croopp


49:01 Juggernaut croopp


49:05 Juggernaut croopp


49:08 Juggernaut croopp


49:14 Juggernaut croopp


49:22 Juggernaut croopp


49:22 Alchemist PepsiQ-

Destroyed base sentinel bottom Tower

49:25 Juggernaut croopp


49:27 Earthshaker OneMore


49:29 Juggernaut croopp


49:38 Juggernaut croopp


49:46 Juggernaut croopp


49:47 unknown

Destroyed sentinel bottom ranged Barracks

49:50 Alchemist PepsiQ-

got level 23

49:50 Demon Witch tatu_na_tele

got level 18

49:50 Ancient Apparition RouliX

Killed croopp

49:51 Holy Knight Flash

got level 13

49:51 Lifestealer FronZong

Killed RouliX

49:51 Ancient Apparition RouliX

Killed stonks

49:53 Skeleton King ReDRagon

got level 19

49:53 Alchemist PepsiQ-

Killed Flash

49:53 Earthshaker OneMore

Killed FronZong

49:53 Demon Witch tatu_na_tele

got level 19

49:53 Earthshaker OneMore

got level 22

49:54 Earthshaker OneMore


49:56 Skeleton King ReDRagon

Killed Deadinside

49:58 Juggernaut croopp


50:08 Alchemist PepsiQ-

got level 24

50:08 Skeleton King ReDRagon

Killed stonks

50:09 Skeleton King ReDRagon

got level 20


World Tree at 10%


Scourge Won


Scourge Won


Scourge Won


Scourge Won


Scourge Won


Scourge Won


Scourge Won


Scourge Won


Scourge Won


Scourge Won

50:14 Slithereen Guard stonks

Deadinside has left the game.

50:15 Juggernaut croopp


50:15 Alchemist PepsiQ-

Killed FronZong

50:15 Slithereen Guard stonks

FronZong has left the game.