Tournament Rules 1x1

Rules special 1x1 tour's:

iCCup Triathlon Tournament
iCCup Last Hit Tournament
iCCup Mortal Kombat Tournament 
iCCup All Random 1x1 Tournament
iCCup Clearstats Arena 1x1 Tournament 

Rules regular 1x1 Tour's:

I. General Information:

Tournament type: 1x1

Game mode:  All Pick/Same Heroes/Only Mid/No Powerups (-apshomnp) / (-shomnp)

Hero: Depends on the tournament name.

Map: Last map on EU1/RU1 bot.

Tournament format: Single Elimination.

Max number of players: Sets by EU Tournaments SA.

How to create the game:

/chost dota

/chost dotaref (Observers: EU Tournaments admins or people who were admitted by EU Tournaments SA).

/chost dotaobs (Observers: EU Tournaments admins, official streamers of the tournament or people who were admitted by EU Tournaments SA).

II. Conduct system:

2.1 Mode -apshomnp (or -shomnp), 4 fakes  /addfake 2 3 4 57 8 9 10, Hero picks with name on tour.

2.2 You mustn't activate -test or -wtf mode but you must activate -noneutrals mode. 

  • If you or your anemy activate(s) -noneutrals mode before that moment when creeps born and you or your enemy haven't(hasn't) any questions — game won't be restarted.
  • If you or your enemy activated -test or -wtf mode — the game must be restared.
  • If player activated -test or -wtf mode twice — he can be disqualified!
  • If player didn't activate -noneutrals mode twice — he can be disqualified!

2.3 All players must have iCCup Antihack Launcher!

2.4 All games must be created on iCCup chost bots:

  • To create without observers: /chost DotA.
  • To create with observers:/chost DotAref or/chost DotAobs.

2.5 Observers of the tournament can be: EU Tournaments admins, official streamers of the tournament or people who were admitted by EU Tournaments SA.

2.6 Duration of the game — up to 2 Kills, or demolition of T1 (first tower)

  • Final  — BO3.

2.7 At the end of the game the winner must save the replay and send it to iccup by pressing special button in tournament's grid.

2.8 It's prohibited to insult your enemy!

III. Game rules:

3.1 If you can't arrange with your enemy about bot and lat you must play on this bot with this lat:

/bot EU1/RU1

-l 35

3.2 If you've just played for the Sentinel, in the next round you'll play for the Scourge. If it happened that you and your enemy just played for one side — you must type -roll and that player whose number will be higher will, chose a side.

3.3 Backdoor is allowed.

3.4 If the game restarts it must be created with the same heroes and items.

3.5 Victory conditions — 2 kills or loss of T1 by the opponent(first tower)

3.6 If you can't solve a problem by yourself — write to administration of the tournament.

3.7 Unfair game is: using hacks or programs which can hack the game.

3.8 If AntiHack Launcher kicks you or your enemy at the start of the game more than 3 times, you should inform the administrator of the tournament.

3.9 Forbidden unsportsmanlike conduct.

3.10 In case of violation of the rules by the participant, depending on the severity of the violation, a warning can be issued, a technical defeat in the tournament or an account ban with subsequent disqualification can be counted.

IV. It's prohibited to:

4.1 Gross insult to opponents in the lobby or game, as well as rude provocation.

4.2 Skipping of the tournament or game:

  • For 1st(or 2nd) round there is 15 minutes of free time for subsequent rounds — 10 minutes.
  • You can take additional time from the tournament's administration(No more than 10 minutes).

4.3 Granting a store-purchased mute to opponents or judges during a tournament is not allowed.

  • Imitating system messages like «Player (player's name) has been muted by (player's name)» is also prohibited.
  • If the above terms are violated, it is necessary to report the issue to the administrator and await further instructions without abandoning the ongoing game.

4.4 It's prohibited to upload wrong replays in the tournament's grid.

  • If you give good replay after that moment when you uploaded wrong replay — you won't be disqualified.

4.5 Deceive or to confuse the judge.

4.6 Use hacks or bugs.

4.7 Open a courier through Circle of Power.

 Stop creeps with hero model allowed

4.8 Block the passage of the first pack of creeps with active abilities.

4.9 Buy prohibited items.

4.10 Buy another items when the game was restarted.

4.11 Participation in the tournament, if you are disqualified or are in Blacklist (including another accounts).

4.12 Registration of several accounts which are belong to one person.

4.13 Play on another account and transfer it.

4.14 Ask the enemy to lose.

4.15 Abuse a bottle (carry by courier to the fountain and back).

V. Disconnect and restart of the game:

5.1 If you were dropped before born of creeps — restart.

5.2 If you were dropped after born of creeps — lose.

5.3 If you and your allie left the game before admin's desicion — lose.

5.4 The game can be restarted no more than1 time per round.

VI. Pause rules:

8.1 Pause limit for 1 game — 5 minutes.

8.2 You can cancel pause only when both players are agree.

8.3 If the opponent has exceeded the time limit of the pause —  it's allowed to cancel it without his agree but after a message that you want to cancel it.

VII. Limited items:

  • iCCup Storm 1x1 Tournament It is prohibited to purchase Soul Ring

VIII. Additions:

8.1. iCCup Goblin Techies 1x1 Tournament:

  • If you use spell "#dotaheroes_dlg.suicideSquadAttackSuicide Squad, Attack!" and don't kill enemy — lose.

IX. Notes:

9.1 All partipating teams is responsible for reading and observing the rules. The administration of the tournament is not responsible for the ununderstanding of the rules of tournament. Also, the administration has the right to add the rules in the course of the tournament and can take any actions, if they don't contradict the rules.

9.2 Participate the tour with prefix iCCup allowed only with right Super Admin Tournament Section.

9.3 All claims for the result of games are accepted for consideration within 20 minutes after the game (gaming on the basis of viewing the replay), if no claims are made within the specified period, the result of the games isn't reviewed.

9.4 Super admin tournament section can prohibit participation in the tournament or disqualify a team without an explanation the reason.

9.5 Administration has the right to treat disputable issues that are not specified unequivocally in there rules, at its own discretion and decide on punishments and recovery, guided by life experience and common sense.

9.6 Tournaments Super admin can delete a tournament if less than 10% of the maximum number of participants in the tournament.