DotA Ladder System

iCCup Ladder System

You begin at 1000 points which puts you in D rank. At this point, if you play against other D rank players, winning will earn you 100 points and losing will subtract 50 points.

The iCCup DotA Rating System page has a detailed chart about ranks and points.


The hostbot :3

Due to the sensitivity of latency and the large amount of players, iCCup has deployed over 10 hostbots worldwide to accommodate our players. Use the following command if there are a lack of games in the Custom Games list or your latency is too high. 

/bot [EU/EU2/RU/RU2/RU3/RU4/RU5/RU6/RU7/UA/BY/US]

You can see which bot suits best to your location and connection, by typing /p in the chat box. Then you will see all bots and the ping you have to every one of them. 

Once you set that up, you can host a ladder game by typing:

/host [type] [mode] [game name]

Availables types are 5x5 and 3x3, and available modes are ap, cm, rd, sd, ar, tt, aptb, rdtb, artb, sdtb, tttb. Ideally, you should start off by using /host 5x5 ap DotA D gogo!. You'll automatically join the game and other players will soon begin filling up the lobby. When the lobby is full, just type /start to start the game and play!