Roshan's story

30 Oct 2018 @ 15:59 CET

We all know about the monster who lives in a cave and his name is Roshan. Many warriors came to his cave to gain valuable experience, as well as an artifact that he owns#dotaitems_dlg.aegisAegis of the Immortal. Not everyone managed to kill him, but those who managed it told about his strength and ferocity. But was he like that before he was born? The sun lit up the earth with its rays, woke the merchant. The owner of the secret shop reached out, made coffee and went to inspect his goods, drinking coffee and talking to his rhino named — Frou. Nothing foreshadowed trouble, but a human figure appeared on the horizon, it was a young guy named — Roshan. Seeing a secret shop, he moved toward her and was surprised by the abundance of artifacts. Roshan walked and touched the artifacts, and then the trader began asking Roshan about who he is and where he came from. He introduced himself as a hero and that he wants to perform feats, but there is no suitable equipment. In fact, Roshan is not a hero, he is an ordinary thief and a rogue who is not averse to preying on ordinary things and taking everything that is badly lying. He liked one artifact, he was very valuable and was called  Aegis. This artifact grants immortality to its owner. The clouds thickened, hiding the sun behind them, the merchant turned around and saw the contented face of Roshan, who was holding a stone in his hands. The meaning of the curse was that Roshan was forever attached to this cave and could not leave it. In addition, Roshan dies and reborn every time, and his killer takes that Aegis. Roshan knocked out the merchant with a strong blow, taking the same artifact with him, but that was not all. On top of that, he also took with him cheese,  which apparently was the merchant's dinner. Night fell, Roshan wandered through the forest hoping to find a place where he could spend the night safely, because the night is dark and full of horrors. Soon he found a large and deep cave and stayed overnight there, but he did not know that the gods were already looking after him. The fact is that all merchants are under the protection of the gods. The gods that night followed Roshan and came up with a way to teach him a lesson, but that was too cruel. Roshan, taking Aegis, took him in his hands and immediately began to turn into a huge monster, the size of the cave itself. The meaning of the curse was that Roshan was forever attached to this cave and could not leave it. In addition, Roshan dies and reborn every time, and his killer takes that Aegis.


avatar #1 CROATIA iCCup.croboss 31 Oct 2018 @ 20:24 CET

Thanks, more news soon! :))

Kind regards,
