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#1 Posted: 18 Mar 2023 @ 04:24 CET quote
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4 cities in the world that I would recommend you visit at least once in your life

From Europe to Asia and across the ocean. Here are 4 cities in the world that have fascinated, loved, surprised and/or amazed me in such a way that I would recommend visiting them at least once in a lifetime for any traveler.

Some of them are great capitals of the world, others are smaller but full of charm; but they all have their beautiful sides, which makes them special, different. These are cities that leave their mark and that you always want to return to for one reason or another.

Among this selection, you will find cities with populations ranging from 232,000 to almost 9 million, scattered around the world.

Do you want to know what they are? Check if you have already visited them and if you think the same way? Or see if any of them were already on your list of places you would like to visit? Take action!

1. London, one of my favorite cities

United Kingdom


When I first came to London, I was surprised. The second one too. The third, even more so... and so on, until I lost count of how many times I was in the English capital and the surprises that she presented me each time.

There are so many attractions in this city that it seems endless.

Even when you visit again, there is always something else that wasn't there before, things that disappear and things that transform; and all this in a scrypt that, paradoxically, seems to be unchanged.

Gorgeous historic buildings, beautifully preserved and well maintained, the timeless London atmosphere and even the timeless city markets never seem to change, no matter how many years pass; and thus ends up creating a strange constant scenario in which changes and transformations are constantly taking place.

There are many shops, bars, restaurants, art exhibitions, sculptures, shows, concerts, charity or sporting events, some of the things that are constantly changing in London and make it a very dynamic place.

And I think it's this peculiar mixture of what seems to be eternal and what is perceived as ephemeral that makes London extremely compelling to me.

2. Bangkok, chaos that first scared and then caught


When I first set foot in Bangkok, I was stunned. Chaos, noise, movement, fast pace... I thought we'd never understand each other.

But I came back and began to understand it. I left and came back again. And then I realized that the capital of Thailand should be "simmered".

Bangkok grand palace



I think Bangkok is hard to get into (especially if you haven't been to any other major city in Asia before) and you just love it.

However, if you put in the time and a little effort, you will begin to notice its many charms; some of them are idiosyncratic as they could be, that's for sure, but after all, charms that end up captivating you.

Правда в том, что я не знаю, как подробно объяснить мою признательность Бангкоку за то, что он извлек эти конкретные вещи или «почему», это один из городов в мире, который я бы порекомендовал вам посетить хотя бы раз в жизни.

But I sincerely believe that its charm is a combination of obvious "flaws" and countless virtues, which together give it a special appeal.

3. Berlin, where it is almost impossible not to be disappointed

This is not the first time I say this... Berlin confuses me. Its dynamics, its strange configuration, its modernity, this alternative air in many areas of the city, and its history, form a hodgepodge that ends up frustrating me.

central berlin


But at the same time, it hooked me. She causes so many conflicting feelings in me that, in the end, she manages to get stuck in my memory, and also secretly pushed me to return to her several times.

I believe, without a doubt, that Berlin is a city to be visited at least once in a lifetime. Of course, it is better to digest it in small pieces and calmly, because this is another one of those cities that seem endless.

In the German capital, as in London, there are many plans that either appear or disappear without end. Mass events such as concerts, events of various kinds, art and cultural exhibitions... But in this case, I think that the ability to seem endless is inherent in its history.

From the biggest to the smallest streets in Berlin, a historical trail can be hidden. There are traces of the past in almost every corner of the city. It is exhausting and at the same time exhilarating to be able to discover at every step one of these traces, sometimes destructive, sometimes revealing.

4. Las Vegas, speechless madness

It is true that Las Vegas is a man's invention; a tome in the middle of the desert. A place made for lag, fun and excess. But it is undeniable that it surprises, and a lot.

For this reason, and also because we will probably not find such a place anywhere else, this is without a doubt one of the cities in the world that deserves to be visited at least once in a lifetime.

You have to admit that visiting Las Vegas is fun. A simple stroll down the Las Vegas Strip provides more than enough entertainment. Crazy promotions with people dressed as you like, hiding around every corner; and crazy, almost the same.

Cities of the world las vegas


The various hotels are a genuine expression of creativity, but also of excess. Walking through the casino and seeing both people who just want to have a good time and people whose life is in the next draw and who may be looking to hit the economic ball is extremely curious.

And it is that, despite its superficiality and even if you are going to have a good time, if you are visiting this city with your eyes wide open, a trip to Las Vegas can also be inspiring.

It inspires in the sense that it encourages reflection and reflection on many things and actions often associated with this consumer society, and how I want it and how I can, I have it ... It doesn’t matter that it is in the middle of the desert, where it should be only sandy and lonely landscape. This is Las Vegas madness.

---+--- OK it's all over Now ) ---+---
Well, here's my friend. This was my personal rating of "cities in the world that I would recommend you visit at least once in your life." I think it will be useful for everyone.
Edited by Aid (18 Mar 2023 @ 04:33 CET)
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