YourLetters - A New Game

31 Mar 2014 @ 21:30 CET

The ICCup staff usually doesn't promote external games, projects or anything unrelated to the games we advertise and promote ourself. This time it's a little different, not only because the content we're going to write about is exciting, but because the developers were active members, contributors and sponsors of the Brood War community.


YourLetters — A New Chess/Scrabble Hybrid


The two Russians, who prefer to not be named at this point, combined the tactical aspects of round based games like Chess, most importantly positioning, RTS characteristics like quick decision making and lastly also the original concept of Scrabble. The name: YourLetters. It is your task to build words with letters, while conquering parts of the game board until you eventually lost or won the game. It surely sounds boring but really isn't. We thorougly tested it already and our judgement: Awesome. Anyhow, the tutorial video explains it probably a lot better than we can!


The Tutorial Video


You might think that this one isn't for you. Still, please sign up and give it a try, the guys in question invested tons of time developing it. Not only that, they also organized tons of Brood War events for the international scene, and if they had no time, at least gave tons of money in the past three years. They earn our respect, time to give back!


YourLetters.orgTutorial Game for Beginners

avatar #1 BG beH3uH 01 Apr 2014 @ 21:33 CET

yeah if you could bring back dota 2 that could be great

avatar #2 DE iccup.geckoxp 03 Apr 2014 @ 10:41 CET

Stop using memes, stop posting in the wrong places about unrelated issues. Last warning.