Legend of the Monkey King Bar

24 Oct 2018 @ 14:00 CET

#dotaitems_dlg.mkbMonkey King BarMonkey King's Axe. This legend is associated with the monkey king Sun-U-Kun. Artifact #dotaitems_dlg.mkbMonkey King Bar is a dark red axe with a golden dragon head. This artifact gives the multiple strength and dexterity, and also never misses when striking. Legend say that this artifact belonged to the monkey king Sun-U-Kun. Sun-U-Kun is a stone monkey born in the Magic Stone. Once, the monkeys around him decided to find out where the mountain stream flowing next to them originates and eventually discovered a waterfall. The one who dares to go through it and return unscathed, they promised to be their king. Sun-Woo-Kun volunteered to go. After performing a difficult test, he discovered a water curtain cave behind the waterfall and headed the monkeys. Although he lived the happy life of Sun-U-Kun, he was worried that sooner or later he would grow old and die, so on the advice of his subjects he went on a journey in search of a teacher who would teach him immortality. The master who took him as an apprentice taught him flying, 72-mind transformations and magical skills. Returning to his kingdom, Sun-U-Kun, on the advice of his subjects, also went to the sea dragon and asked him for some weapon for himself. The dragon gave him an axe. With this axe a wise man once pacified the waters. Having received the staff of Sun-U-Kun, threatening to use his new weapon, he forced the dragon brothers to give him the appropriate staff clothes. Despite the cultivation of Sun-U-Kun, he still died from alcohol poisoning and the servants of the sovereign of the underworld came after him. Judges of hell admitted that there was some kind of mistake, but Sun-U-Kun still made a scandal and deleted from the book of the dead both his name and the names of his subjects. Due to this, many monkeys on the mountain of fruits and flowers became immortal. In the palace of the sea dragon, the scandal arranged by Sun-U-Kuhn, in hell, became the reason for complaints to the jade emperor. Instead of punishment, Sun-U-Kun was taken to heaven and appointed a groom, however, he was outraged by the small position he received. He voluntarily returned to the earth, where his subjects called him a great sage equal to heaven. This time, because Sun-U-Kun voluntarily left his job, an army was sent against him, however, this army could not cope with it. Therefore, the emperor was forced to recognize the title of Sun-U-Kun and appoint him to a more honorable, but completely formal position, so that he would not mess around on it, in the end he was assigned to protect the peach orchard. In the role of the guard Sun-U-Kun, he began to steal the peaches assigned to him. He later found out about the upcoming feast and found that he was not invited there, so he made his way to the palace where the feast was to take place and before the guests arrived he ate everything that was prepared, including the elixir of immortality. This again led him to collision with the heavenly troops and this time he was temporarily captured, however, due to the volume of the elixir drunk, he became invulnerable and could not be executed. Attempts to smelt the elixir from Sun-U-Kun also failed, and he himself escaped from the furnace again made a riot. As a result, Buddha had to pacify him, imprisoning him under a mountain of five elements. 500 years later, at the behest of the goddess Guan Yin, Sun-U-Kun was released by Xuan Zang, a monk walking to the western paradise of the Buddha Amitabha for the holy Buddhist scryptures. In gratitude for his release, Sun-U-Kun became a disciple of Xuan Zang and undertook to defend him on the way for the scryptures, however, the fact that Sun-U-Kun killed the robbers who attacked them. caused the indignation of the monk, and Sun-U-Kun was outraged that he was scolded for his work. Due to a quarrel, Sun-Woo-kun abandoned 
  his teacher, but then repented and returned. Xuan Zang tricked him into putting on a hoop received from Kuan Yin, each time a monk began to read a particular mantra, the hoop shrank, causing an intolerable headache from Sun-W-Kun. Since Xuan Zang easily deceived and never listened to what Sun-W-Kun said to him, the hoop was mainly used to prevent the monkey king from killing evil spirits, however, Sun-W-Kun faithfully served Xuan Zang, and defended throughout the journey. At the end of the journey as a reward for diligence, the Buddha of Western Paradise appointed Sun-U-Kun the all-conquering Buddha, but the further biography of Sun-U-Kun is mere mortals unknown.

In Dota #dotaitems_dlg.mkbMonkey King Bar is a costly artifact. Gives the carrier +88 to its attack, +15 to attack speed. Ability to True Strike (passively). It also has a 35% chance of doing 100 damage in the form of a ministan.

avatar #1 UZ Aslchik-_- 24 Oct 2018 @ 14:07 CET


avatar #2 CROATIA iCCup.croboss 24 Oct 2018 @ 15:42 CET

Thanks!! More news coming soon! :)

Kind regards,
