INTERNATIONAL CYBER CUP WarCraft III / DotA AllStars / Custom Games & Stats

Rating system for iCCup DotA

Game modes points distribution

There are 7 game modes you can play to get ladder points, they are distributed differently for each mode. Here is a full breakdown, where 100% = 100pts with a eaquel team rank (for example Team A have a combine rank C and a Team B also have a C rank, etc):

Ladder modes Ladder win points:
XL — Extended league110%
CM — Captains mode110%
RD — Random draft100%      (UPD 90% > 100%)
AP  -  All pick80%
CD — Captains draft50%
SD — Single draft50%
AR — All random40%
Team Balance  (TB)bonus points:
RDTB+40% (UPD 30% > 40%)

Team Balance is an addition to the game modes, designed to balance teams equaly based on rank, player skill level and other factors. Most fair ladder games are played with a Team Balance (TB) ON. 

Rankings points distribution

Ladder games are played with a different combined ranks (adding individula rank of players of each team). Table below shows how many points you can win or lose playing aginst other ranks.



Ultimate : 15000+

A+ : 12000 — 14999

A : 10500 — 11999 

A- : 9000 — 10499

B+ : 8000 — 8999

B : 7000 — 7999

B- : 6000 — 6999

C+ : 5000 — 5999

C : 4000 — 4999

C- : 3000 — 3999

D+ : 2000 — 2999

D : 900 — 1999

D- : 400 — 899 0 — 399

4+ higher-200 (260)200 (260)200 (260)-
3 higher-175 (227)175 (227)175 (227)-
2 higher150 (195)150 (195)150 (195)150 (195)150 (195)
1 higher125 (162)125 (162)125 (162)125 (162)125 (162)
same100 (130)100 (130)100 (130)100 (130)100 (130)
1 lower-75 (97)75 (97)75 (97)75 (97)
2 lower-50 (65)50 (65)50 (65)50 (65)
3 lower--25 (32)25 (32)25 (32)
4 lower--10 (16)10 (16)10 (16)

If you still have question, you are welcome ask at iCCup DotA forum