The Lord of Heaven

11 Oct 2018 @ 14:58 CET

Hello, dear users of the iCCup platform. For a long time you haven't seen the news on our site, but it's time to fix it! All of you are players of DotA and each of you has your own favorite hero, but have your ever thought about history of this hero or about another players, who played on it? No? That is why we dicided to make a new heading "Hero Review". Lets start!



Lord of Heaven, father of gods, Zeus treats all the Heroes as if they are his rambunctious, rebellious children. After being caught unnumbered times in the midst of trysts with countless mortal women, his divine wife finally gave him an ultimatum: 'If you love mortals so much, go and become one. If you can prove yourself faithful, then return to me as my immortal husband. Otherwise, go and die among your creatures.' Zeus found her logic (and her magic) irrefutable, and agreed to her plan. He has been on his best behavior ever since, being somewhat fonder of immortality than he is of mortals. But to prove himself worthy of his eternal spouse, he must continue to pursue victory on the field of battle.



#dotaheroes_dlg.arcLightningArc Lightning - Arc Lightning is Zeus' favorite spell to use against puny mortals.

Hurls a bolt of lightning that leaps through nearby enemy units.

• Damage: 85/100/115/145. Cooldown: 1.75 seconds.

• Manacost: 65/70/75/80. Damage type: Magical.


• Does not bounce on invisible units or units in the Fog of War.

• Can never hit the same unit twice per cast.

• The#dotaheroes_dlg.arcLightningArc Lightning buff is a hidden buff required for the lightning to jump.

#dotaheroes_dlg.lightningBoltLightning Bolt - A shocking punishment for rebellious heathen.

Calls down a bolt of lightning to strike an enemy unit, causing damage and a mini-stun.

• Damage: 100/175/275/350. Cooldown: 6 seconds.

• Manacost: 75/95/115/135. Damage type: Magical.


• When targeting a unit, vision and #dotaitems_dlg.gemTrue Sight are provided at its position upon cast. The vision is stationary, it does not follow the unit.

• Searches for enemy heroes, illusions and creep-heroes when targeting ground. Whichever is the closest gets hit.

• In order to hit a non-hero unit, it must be directly targeted.

#dotaheroes_dlg.staticFieldStatic Field - The air crackles with static when the Thundergod walks the world.

LordofOlympiaZeus shocks all nearby enemy units whenever he casts a spell, causing damage proportional to their current health.

• Shocks for: 5/7/9/11% of current hit points. Damage type: Magical.


• Applies its damage before the triggering spell's damage is applied.

• Affects invisible units and units in the Fog of War.

#dotaheroes_dlg.thundergodsWrathThundergod's Wrath - The Lord of Heaven smites all who oppose him, near or far.

Strikes all enemy heroes with a bolt of lightning, no matter where they may be. 

• Damage: 225/350/475. Cooldown: 90 seconds.

• Manacost: 225/325/450. Damage type: Magical.


• Does not provide any vision around invulnerable or hidden heroes, but does around invisible heroes.

• #dotaheroes_dlg.thundergodsWrathThundergod's Wrath first applies the damage on every hero (if possible), and then applies the vision around every enemy hero.


The best Merlini on iccup

LordofOlympiaZeus is not an easy hero and not all of you can play on it good. But there is one man, who can play on it more than perfect! This playes is Ukraineqwe_123. We talked with him and learned a couple of tips special for you!


a few Tips

To play better on Zeus we recommend you to use this tips:

• Try to play more careful. Always think what you do and try to learn on your mistakes.

• Allways use #dotaheroes_dlg.lightningBoltLightning Bolt before #dotaheroes_dlg.arcLightningArc Lightning not to lose your enemy in Fog of War.

• When you try to kill your opponents with low hp, but not too low for #dotaheroes_dlg.thundergodsWrathThundergod's Wrath, try to use #dotaheroes_dlg.thundergodsWrathThundergod's Wrath first and then use #dotaheroes_dlg.lightningBoltLightning Bolt or #dotaheroes_dlg.arcLightningArc lightning to finish off your enemy.

• In battles try to use all of your skills early as possible to deal more damage with #dotaheroes_dlg.staticFieldStatic Field. This skill depends on currently hit points of your enemy, not the maximum, that is why you will not deal as much damage to enemy with low hp as to enemy with full hp.

• You must use #dotaheroes_dlg.thundergodsWrathThundergod's Wrath only in that situations, when your ally can't kill your enemy himself. You need to use it when the battle starts, to make it easier for your team.



Dear users! Especially for you, we made a movie with highlights on this hero. Just watch and enjoy!


Interesting facts

Also, we want to present you some interesting facts about LordofOlympiaZeus:

• LordofOlympiaZeus is based on the Greek mythological god of the same name.

• Zeus' alternate/fun name in DotA was "Merlini", a tribute to a professional DotA player.

• #dotaheroes_dlg.staticFieldStatic Field is most likely a reference to the Sorceress' skill of the same name in Diablo II. In Diablo II, the spell also reduced enemies' HP by a percentage within a short radius.


Guide for new players

Perhaps after reading this news some of you'll have a desire to learn how to play this hero, so we recommend you to learn from a good example by watching this video from our media partner TheBaltazarTv:



And the last thing, which we want to show you is Changelog of the most important things of this Hero:


• Increased #dotaheroes_dlg.arcLightningArc Lightning mana cost from 50/57/64/71 to 65/72/79/86.


• Fixed some memory leak issues on #dotaheroes_dlg.lightningBoltLightning Bolt, #dotaheroes_dlg.staticFieldStatic Field and #dotaheroes_dlg.thundergodsWrathThundergod's Wrath.


Reworked #dotaheroes_dlg.staticFieldStatic Field:

• Radius: 500.

• Current health as damage: 5/7/9/11%.

• Passive ability, activates whenever LordofOlympiaZeus casts a spell. Only affects heroes.


• Fixed #dotaheroes_dlg.staticFieldStatic Field having a minor effect even without having it learned.


• #dotaheroes_dlg.lightningBoltLightning Bolt no longer turns the target invulnerable for 0.01 seconds before applying the damage.


• #dotaheroes_dlg.thundergodsWrathThundergod's Wrath no longer hits GeomancerMeepo clones.


• Increased #dotaitems_dlg.aganimAghanim's Scepter upgraded  #dotaheroes_dlg.thundergodsWrathThundergod's Wrath damage from 355/460/570 to 400/500/600.


#dotaheroes_dlg.lightningBoltLightning Bolt:

• Can now be cast on the ground, affecting the closest enemy hero in a 250 range.

• Reduced #dotaitems_dlg.gemTrue Sight radius from 900 to 750.

• Reduced Flying vision radius from 900 to 750.


#dotaheroes_dlg.thundergodsWrathThundergod's Wrath:

• Reduced vision radius from 1000 to 500.

• Fixed sometimes hitting invisible units depending on the order of player slots.

That's all! We hope that you liked it. Thanks for attention. Best regards, iCCup team.

avatar #1 EAGLE iCCup.Liberty- 11 Oct 2018 @ 17:22 CET

good job)

avatar #2 UA iCCup.Karn 11 Oct 2018 @ 17:39 CET

Thank you)

avatar #4 CROATIA iCCup.croboss 13 Oct 2018 @ 13:43 CET

Nice!! Keep up the good work!

avatar #5 BG iCCup.s0Ldi3R 17 Oct 2018 @ 13:04 CET

Great work!

avatar #6 UA iCCup.Karn 18 Oct 2018 @ 11:21 CET
