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+11 EU Хомяк? Миллиарды?

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  • 22 Sep 2024 @ 10:51 CET
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#1 Posted: 27 Mar 2023 @ 20:28 CET quote
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Hello everyone and welcome to my work on this week's topic of my favorite movie



Hello, my name is Shahruz I have learned a lot from these 2 films

Of these, I was most impressed and impressed by the film Hatiko

The movie was shot in 2009. The main characters are a dog named Hatiko and his owner

They were able to illuminate everything worth learning in the movie

What I learned from this movie as a lesson for me: Trust, loyalty, friendship and loyalty are the main lessons and feelings that are worth learning.

When I first saw this movie, I thought it was not very interesting, but the development of events was perfect enough to attract the viewer.

In the movie, a professor finds a small puppy at the train station on his way back from work

And he brings him home. The professor did not care about pets like dogs and cats and did not feed them

For this reason, in order to find the dog's owner, he pastes posters with his photo on bulletin boards and poles.

But when she said yes, when the owner of the dog was not found, she decided to take it with her.

Over time Hatiko will grow up and become a big dog. Even if Hatiko is locked up because he is very loyal to the professor, he will find a way and follow him to the train station, and this situation has become a habit.


He sits in the place you see in the photo and waits for the professor to come back from work without moving. When I saw this place, I learned what loyalty is and how it should be.

Every day passes like this, and there is a very strong friendship between the dog and its owner

But one day the professor didn't come back from work and Hatiko didn't go anywhere from where she was sitting, she was looking for the professor from everyone who left the train station.


But the professor will not return, the hatiko will continue to wait for its owner faithfully, but the professor will not return

The next day, the professor's wife comes to pick him up and tries to explain what happened to him, but he doesn't want to believe it.He did not move a step

They take him away, they move to another city, he can't even find the professor there, and he goes to the old train station he knows.

Although it has been a long time since then, those who have seen the dog who visited there, those who know him admire the dog's loyalty.

Hatiko waited for the professor there for a long time, and those who knew him gave him food and water

Hatiko would not stop waiting for the professor in the cold, snow, rain or heat. At the end of the movie

The professor's wife finally comes to pick him up, and he throws his hat in front of her And he wants to explain to him that he should stop waiting for the death that he will not return But he could not move him

until the end of his life, Hatiko continued to wait for the owner of the professor near this station.

In this movie, you can find out the feelings that are disappearing among people nowadays, such as friendship, trust, and loyalty.

I learned from this movie how friendship should be, how loyalty should be, what level of trust should be, and tears came to my eyes when I saw this movie.

Today, a statue of him has been erected in Inokashira Dori, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan



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  • 19 Aug 2024 @ 21:34 CET
  • 30 Aug 2022
  • Banned till: 19.01.2038 04:14

    Намеренный, публичный слив ролей в «Мафии». Срыв игры.

#2 Posted: 28 Mar 2023 @ 03:50 CET quote
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EU Tech SA & EU Tour TSA
EU iCCup.mystick [ EU Tech SA & EU Tour TSA ]
#3 Posted: 28 Mar 2023 @ 20:50 CET quote
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Link to the topic for work, Closed!

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