Looking back...
Season 7 was fantastic for our ladder. We made many improvements such as the ICCup Tournament section and also made some major improvements to our site.
Here are some of the most notable statistics from Season 7!
Season 7 hosted 2,089,136 games!
StarCraft Top 10 1x1 Players:
1st. LeeYH 18468 Pts.
2nd. petty[name] 18086 Pts.
3rd. JanSoo 17109 Pts.
4th. xodusdkd 16822 Pts.
5th. angel_din 16074 Pts.
6th. 2009 15289 Pts.
7th. michinseggida 15241 Pts.
8th. ThinkBig. 15052 Pts.
9th. Ecdysis 15008 Pts.
10th. Lostsaga 14468 Pts.
StarCraft Top 5 1x1 Country Ranking:
1st Republic of Korea A+
2nd China B+
3rd United States B
4th Poland B
5th Russia B
Good games everyone !
Looking forward...
Season 8 starts and our work is going forth as well!
We are working very hard to improve stability of the server and site to eliminate many disconnections and games not counted on match list.
After our Tournament system, we are working to add a Replay Section as well as some other section(s) yet to be revealed!
And for everyone who was disappointed about the 2x2 map variety:
We promise to add some more exciting 2x2 maps this season!
Maps of the Week #1..
— Destination 1.1
— Medusa 1.1
— Colosseum II 2.0
— Tau Cross
— Python 1.3
To kick off this season we've decided to arrange a special combination of maps. All three courage league maps will be used this week (and will continue rotating as normal after). Tau Cross has proven to be a popular «older» map and was also used recently in the professional leagues. We know how the 2:2 community loves Python, so here it is. Being as popular as it is, Python deserves to be MOTW at least one time this season — that one time is now.
If there is a map you'd like to see as MOTW in the future, let us know! Also, you can expect to see the custom made maps (Yellow 1.1, Spinel Valley III, Voice IV, and Odyssey) make their way into the MOTW starting next week!
So let the games begin, good luck, and more importantly, have fun from iCCup Team!