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Tour SA Assistant
AEGIS iCCup.1pts [ Tour SA Assistant ]
  • today @ 15:29 CET
  • 01 Oct 2016
#1 Posted: 23 Feb 2023 @ 20:42 CET quote
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Hello Guys, let's make a Dragon guide


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DK has all the skills to stand mid and kill another mid.

1st, like Lina, we push the lane and harass the opponent + lower his damage, which makes it difficult to farm. There is a stun for 2.5 seconds, which helps to kill and run away. Well, regen for one helps to stand on the line very comfortably, like a walker. In addition, with the first ult, the DK becomes 2 times stronger than many heroes, since it receives a passive poison with physical damage, additional movement speed, and high damage from the hand, like any melee, with a long-range attack with 500 ranges is also a big advantage .

Many people do not know that the poison of the DC works on buildings and hits through the backdoor. That is, the tower will not heal back HP if you hit it without creeps. Giving a poke once every 5 seconds (poison effect 5 seconds), the enemy tower in the mid will fall very quickly. Often I demolish a tower on the mid lane at the 7th minute and try to demolish the second one right away. There was a game where I demolished the second on the 11th, as the humiliated mid laner poured and no one came to defend - most likely they did not expect.

Beginning of the game:

You can start ganking already from lvl 7, having received a maxed breeze, but on the condition that you have already won the mid from the opponent, killing him 2-3 times or, accordingly, lost.

You can quickly demolish the tower, so you need to take advantage of this and stand on the mid until it falls - early demolition of the tower on the mid will always knock down opponents and especially the enemy mid. After demolishing the tower, you can go to other lanes and crush them.

We use our ultimate every time we have an opportunity to attack an enemy or take down an enemy tower. The cooldown of the ult is 115 seconds, but we are in the form of 60. Therefore, we can assume that the cooldown of the ult is only 55 seconds - this is quite a bit. At this time, we are a little weaker, but not useless. We can also fight, but not as effectively.

Mid game:

Having received lvl 11, we can push lanes very quickly in solo, besides, we hit splash, so I strongly advise you to take crystals early - it buffs damage very cool. Crits fly out at 400-500 in the area and it is very painful, almost Akash's ult, but with a 20% chance from each poke, not bad for 2k gold.

Since we are a mid player, we take part in team fights and lead the team into battle while dominating. We have the ability to demolish all the enemy's outer towers in a short time - this is our main goal in this period.

Late game:

In the late game, we are no different from the classic DK-carry, i.e. our midlaner turns into a strong late player, which is a huge plus. Indeed, in the late game, most mid players become weaker - they are strong at the beginning of the game. DK is strong throughout the entire game from early game to late game. His weakness is only in the first 5 lvls, while there is no ult and that's it.

That is why it is very profitable to take DK to mid rather than to carry.

Thank you for your attention waiting for comments, assets


Edited by iCCup.1pts (23 Feb 2023 @ 20:48 CET)
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  • 31 Mar 2024 @ 20:05 CET
  • 15 Jul 2021
#2 Posted: 28 Aug 2023 @ 21:42 CET quote
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